How does this benefit you?
10+ recruiters
dedicated recruiters
Full, white-glove
Own the end-to-end
Involvement in
Strategic Decisions
Is Enterprise the right solution for you?

Dedicated recruiter or team of recruiters
We believe trust is the key to a successful RPO partnership. By working with the same team every day, you’ll begin to think of us an extension of your organization.

Strategic Recruitment Consulting
In addition to providing all recruitment services, the partnership is extremely strategic. We have quarterly partnership reviews and monthly reviews and There is typically more ongoing communication with the c-suite of our partners either the chief HR officer, chief operating officer, the CEO, other senior-level positions to discuss how Hueman can support the organization from a recruiting function perspective.

Workforce Analysis


Understanding the ever-changing marketing place is part of our

Technology Management

Integrated Team
Case Study
Hospital System Overwhelmed
with Nursing Shortage
1500 Positions in One Year
Understaffed Recruitment Team and
Lack of Employee Value Proposition

End-to-End RPO Solution
Reduced expenses by 75%