The post Episode 14: The Importance of Video Content in Recruiting with Brian Forrester appeared first on endevis.
]]>In this episode, Chris talks with Brian Forrester about the importance of adding video to your content strategy. They discuss the benefits of video and how Brian’s company Lumina is transforming the recruiting industry with video.
Mr. Forrester is a subject matter expert on philanthropy, healthcare and higher education. In addition to serving as Chief Executive Officer for multiple venture-backed startups, Mr. Forrester has provided leadership to Oregon’s innovation ecosystem as President of the Young Entrepreneurs Society, a program acquired by the Oregon Entrepreneur’s Network (OEN).
As a result of his work Mr. Forrester has been profiled in the Oregonian, GeekWire, Portland Tribune, YahooNews, Portland Mercury, DigitalTrends, Oregon Business Magazine, interviewed by TechCrunch and featured several times on the cover of the Portland Business Journal. He is a Senior Fellow with the American Leadership Forum, has guest lectured at over a dozen universities including Stanford, UC Berkeley, University of Washington and University of Sydney. Mr. Forrester graduated cum laude from Portland State University and was celebrated as one of Portland’s “40 Under 40” in 2020.
Hello and welcome to the talent tide podcast, the show that ensures you have the information you need to adapt and evolve your workplace culture as you ride the wave of change and talent management. I’m your host Chris Nichols and today we’re going to talk video recruitment trends with my friend Brian Forrester, the CEO and co founder at Lumina. Mr. Forrester is a subject matter expert on philanthropy healthcare in higher education. In addition to serving as Chief Executive Officer for multiple venture backed startups, Mr. Forrester has provided leadership to Oregon’s innovation ecosystem as the president of their young entrepreneur society, a program acquired by the Oregon entrepreneurs network. As a result of his work, Brian has been profiled in the Oregonian geek wire, Portland Tribune, Yahoo News, Portland mercury Digital Trends, Oregon business magazine, he’s been interviewed by TechCrunch and featured several times on the cover of the Portland Business Journal. He’s a senior fellow with the American Leadership Forum, has guest lectured at over a dozen universities including Stanford, UC Berkeley, the University of Washington, and University of Sydney, Mr. Forester graduated cum laude from Portland State University and was celebrated as one of Portland’s 40 under 40 in 2020. That’s quite the achievement, Brian. Thank you for being on the show.
Brian Forrester
Absolutely. I’m excited to be here. And it’s always fun to get a chance to talk with you. I’ve never heard anybody read my bio out loud before so it’s, it’s always a bit awkward,
I told you beforehand is that you need to take out of here because it gets weird whenever you start listening to your own bio be read about you. Congrats on all of your achievements, to be honest, I didn’t know so many of those about you. And I’ve got to find a way to get myself on the cover of the Business Journal multiple times. I mean, what a guy here,
Brian Forrester
you know, Portland’s a small town, there’s not a lot going on, it’s easy to make the news?
Well, I’m really excited to talk to you today, as a marketing guy myself. In being in the talent acquisition, recruiting space, you have a very innovative business within our field. And you have have it quite the niche built, I believe, and you’ve gotten some backing as well from some great organizations. And you’ve got some good, some really large clients as well, in just a short amount of time. And I think that’s a testament to your work and your connections. And, you know, all those covers on the Portland Business Journal. But I, I need to know, because you’ve done a little bit of everything. like looking at your LinkedIn profile, you’ve been in all kinds of different industries. So how did you find your way to creating a company like Lumina with video job descriptions? How did that happen?
Brian Forrester
That’s a great question. It’s kind of a two part answer. The first part is I actually don’t remember when or how I came up with the idea. Because I have so many ideas that I’ve learned to just write them down in a notebook. And occasionally, I’ll kind of flip through them and say, Oh, I remember that idea. Or I don’t remember that one, but that’s pretty good. Or, I’ll you know, see something I wrote and be like, that’s a terrible idea. I’m gonna cross it out, pretend it never happened. You know, Lumina was not one of those ideas. It really rooted in understanding the degree of really competition, but also at the deeper level need for talent, particularly in the healthcare workspace, is where I started. So my first company out of college was a mobile app that helps students find study partners, a very simple concept, exactly the kind of company a college student would start. And you know, we got really good traction with it. It was my first experience, raising outside capital, building the software product, getting users, getting buyers, and I learned a lot from it, I learned both kind of what to do and what not to do. And one of the coolest experiences was we decided to make the mobile app free for students. And we would get students we’d get, you know, 200 or 300 students at a university starting to use it organically. And then we would call up the school and say, Hey, did you know that you’ve got 500 students using our app? Do you want to meet with us and talk about licensing it? And it turned out to be a very interesting, sometimes very effective model. And when I left that company in 2017, to join a company called nurse grid, they were doing the exact same thing except in the healthcare space. This was a group of nurses who had started a company because they were frustrated with how inefficient, they’re scheduling tools work. And so they built a better solution. And they made it free for nurses. And I think today, one in three nurses has the nurse grid app on your phone now. And so I got to join that team, I got to really, you know, dive deeper into that strategy. And I would say, when I walked into nurse grid, you know, I was I felt very out of place, I said, I don’t know, the healthcare industry at all, I’ve seen Grey’s Anatomy, but that’s about it. And, and a month later, I was just, I loved it, I’m never leaving healthcare. Healthcare is it’s been an amazing industry, for me. certainly enjoy, you know, working and collaborating and others and others. But I would say my experience, creating Lumina really came from understanding the impact of a talent shortage in the healthcare space. And particularly having been on site and seeing just the firsthand impact of what does it mean when a hospital is understaffed, or any sort of organization is understaffed?
Well, and that’s a common occurrence these days with, with with health care companies, right? I mean, we’re, we’re sitting here today, we’re recording this on February 10 2021. And we are 11 months, pretty much since since our shutdowns and 2020, from COVID-19. And the pandemic that ensued from that, and healthcare companies are reeling 11 months later, because they, they didn’t have the talent before Brian, and they sure as heck are having a hard time having it today. And I think that it’s, it’s actually made the industry even harder to just acquire the talent that you need from your competition, because people maybe aren’t leaving as much. Because of all the hoops that have to be jumped through to go from healthcare company to healthcare company, the vaccine is rolling out, which maybe will help help some of those transitions occur a bit faster. But why? Why? Why the business model Lumina? Why video job descriptions? You know, not necessarily speaking specifically about healthcare, but just in general. Why job descriptions in video form?
Brian Forrester
Yeah, that’s a great question. And it’s, you know, so I’m a millennial, I think, I think maybe we both are, and, you know, very comfortable with Instagram, you know, I’m on TikTok, TikTok an hour a day,
Kudos to you that’s too many, that’s too many hours in a day, on TikTok Brian, but,
Brian Forrester
you know, and I just, I’ve always been very comfortable with the internet on social media and, and looking, you know, if you shift if you’re on Instagram, or even if you’re on LinkedIn for a little while, and then you shift over, and you look at a job board or a career page, or a job description, even on Indeed, it is night and day difference. It’s like you’ve it’s like you’ve jumped on a time machine and gone back 20 years, right, and all you did was change pages are on your internet browser. And so for me, you know, I looked at these companies in healthcare and and other industries, who so desperately need talent, like they really, really need to fill these roles. They are turning down new business, they’re turning away patients, they’re turning away new customers, because they just don’t have enough people to be able to fulfill their business goals. And that that’s really dire. And then I look, I look at the same company, and then I look at their job postings. And it’s, it’s black and white, it’s text, it’s bullet points. If you’re lucky, you might get an image. If you’re really lucky, you might get an image. And those two things just didn’t match. I said, Look, the level of need and desperation here doesn’t really match the assets that are being leveraged to try to get people’s attention, right, you need to not only educate and inform candidates that hey, you’ve got a job opening. But in today’s world, what you really need to do is you need to inform and inspire simultaneously, and video is the most effective way to do that.
I like inspire because the recruitment process for most organizations is pretty bad. In fact, speaking of TikTok, I think earlier this week, I have seen somebody insurance LinkedIn, I don’t have a TikTok that’s the only way I would have seen it, but there was a young lady who had shared a video is one of those another probably a term for it, but you’ve got to pretending to be on two different sides of the same of an experience a duet. Yeah, yes. Okay, do it. There we go. And, and I think you might be older than me and yet you’re making me feel very old. I’m cooler than you. That’s all that matters. So she on one side is is pretending to be the applicant tracking system and on the other side, the candidate and so you know, that begins the beginning starts with please submit your resume. And so she submits the resume and then it’s that it’s like okay, now I’m going to need you to put all of your work history and In an educational experience in here in line by line year by year, and she’s like, but wait a second, I just gave me my resume, it already has all that information. She’s like, it doesn’t matter, we still need the information. So I laugh. So that was my TikTok humor for the day. But it’s, it’s so true. Brian, we’re it’s 2021. And that’s not an uncommon experience on even some of the largest companies in our in the world. That’s their applicant tracking system. Why?
Brian Forrester
Well, that’s a great question. I mean, the the answer to the Why is, is exactly why we built Lumina, the way we have, you know, one of the challenges in explaining to people what we do is always been, you know, they hear the term video, and they assume that, that I’m probably a film school grad, and that we’ve probably got, you know, makeup people and sound people and that what we do is we hop on planes, and then we go to your office, and we film you talking about your jobs, or about how awesome it is to work there. And I don’t want to knock people who do that that’s a, that’s got to be a fun thing to do. And there’s a lot of people who have a lot of skill in that area. The disadvantage, though, is that those videos, that type of video, we’ve got customers who have paid in the past 30, 40 $50,000 for that kind of high production video. And if you’re an organization that even has 10 or 20 or, let alone 50 or 100 roles, how can you make a customized video for each of those roles? It’s just not possible. It’s not within anybody’s budget that I’ve ever met. And so, you know, we looked at video, and we said, Wow, video is so effective at engaging people, and intriguing them and attracting them. But why isn’t it being used in recruitment? Right? That’s just a big question that we kind of buckled down and had to answer. And what we came back with was pretty straightforward. It really fell into two categories. One, you know, making video often takes a long time, right, so even a one minute video, if you’re hiring a traditional film crew, and you’re kind of doing it what I would call the old school way, or the super bowl commercial way, it’s gonna take you two to three to four weeks to get something back that you can use. And when you’re a recruiter, or when you’re in the talent acquisition field, you’re trying to fill those positions yesterday. So that doesn’t really work. And then the other component, and it always comes down to money. Right. Like I said, people don’t have budgets, TA groups and recruiters, they don’t have budgets to be able to film all these things and to have them customize assets that they could that they can leverage to get folks who apply to their jobs. And so we thought, you know, I’ve got software experience, my co founder has a lot of software experience. He’s actually an engineer, in fact, so a lot more than I do. And we said, Look, we can build, we can build technology that solves both of these problems, we can make it both fast and affordable to create video to attract candidates right to really drive applies and get candidates engaged in the message you’re trying to tell them. So I would say the reason why is those two things, video has historically been slow and expensive, and Lumina is making it fast and affordable.
I love that. So for those of us that maybe haven’t seen a Lumina video before, what is the video job description.
Brian Forrester
So a video job description. And we’ve we’ve kind of adopted the nomenclature of video job posting now, just we got some feedback. So you know, they both mean the same thing. But if you hear one versus the other, it’s the same thing. A Lumina video job posting really is just the video version of your job description. Right? So you’ve got just like, you might have a version in Spanish and a version in English, like we see video, as you know, one of my things and this might be, you know, engraved on my tombstone, because I say it so often, but video is the language of the internet. And if you’re not speaking it, you are probably not being heard. And I really believe that to be true 82% of all clicks on the internet are on video content. That is what people find compelling. That’s what works. And so at the end of the day, a video job posting is just taking the content that you have already in your in your description, and creating a video version of it. So we’re looking at, if it’s a engineering role, then we’re going to show imagery or video clips of engineers. We’re going to talk about the geography that the job is located in. We’re going to highlight you know you’ve got on average 500 words in a job posting, that’s way too many no like nobody reads those. And what they do is they zone in and look for the bullet points around Well, what do I need to have to get this job? What kinds of things Am I going to be expected to do? If I get this job, and those those types of things, and so what we do in the space of about 30 seconds, is we highlight all of that information in a way that’s not overwhelming at all. And that’s one of the benefits of videos is that we can show so much about the role, so much about the culture of the organization, and even the geography in 30 seconds or less. So I don’t know if that’s direct enough answer. But it’s, it’s hard to, it’s hard to talk about video rather than just show it so
well, maybe we can add some video into this on YouTube at the end. But you know, it. It is, it’s remarkable what you just said about 82% of clicks on the internet being being video, right? And that’s probably going to be kind of a tagline for this particular video, because I’ve never heard that statistic. And I have I’m sure it’s, it’s valid. So I’m not going to question you on that. But, you know, it’s when you think about, if you saw a video, cuz let me back up, I could probably log on the LinkedIn right now, and scroll through the first 20 posts and see one to two posts where somebody shared a job from a link for the for the URL, right? And the numbers on that I have to imagine are ridiculously low. But video, I’ll at least stop, right? If there’s a video playing. I’ll give it a second or five, to find out what the what is the video, right? It’s showing up here, I should at least give it a chance. Maybe it’s something I’m interested in, which I think is and at the most if I saw our job title I might read with the job title was and continue to scroll. Right. So there’s a there’s a the opportunity to hook somebody with with video, would you agree?
Brian Forrester
Absolutely. And I’m sure there’s, you know, I was an undergraduate psychology major. And I’m sure you can, there’s a book out there that talks about video and the human brain, right, just seeing emotion, hearing sound, that’s got to be more engaging on like a neurological level, right. So we’re tapping into not just personal preferences, but probably a much deeper reality on how the brain works. And I think you know, all of these platforms, you mentioned LinkedIn, all of these platforms. So the internet in today’s world is probably easiest to think of it as just a aggregation or accumulation of different platforms, right? So we’re spending 99% of our time on LinkedIn, or Facebook or, you know, Instagram or whatever platforms we live on. You know, there’s, you could argue there’s the dark web, but I don’t know how to get there. And I don’t think, I don’t know, I don’t want to know what I would find if I did you know, and so when you think about the internet being comprised of just platforms, and then you look at the last 10 years, and how those platforms have evolved, I mean, from from everything, search engines, you know, they have all evolved in the direction of video, if you google something, and there are videos related to that search, they will come up first they rank highest. LinkedIn is the same. So all of these platforms that comprise the internet all give preference to video, because that’s what people want to see.
Absolutely. And it you know, it is the world we live in. And to be honest, thinking about that psychology piece, you know, if, if I see a company has a video job description. I, I my natural inclination is to think oh, wow, they really have their stuff together. I haven’t seen any, I don’t know anything about them. Right. But to me, that video immediately makes me feel as if they are modern, that they are technically technologically savvy, you know, so it’s already given me the vibe that I believe this company to be a modern enterprise. When I mean, in reality, that could just be lipstick on a pig. You know, it made me feel that way initially. And I talked in in a lot of Sherm presentations are in front of HR leaders and talent leaders and marketers, and we talk a lot about candidate experience, and how candidate experience Actually I have a slide and it says, Love at First Click, because that first click that I make is is how I ended up wherever it is that I’m going is because I was intrigued enough to go there. Right? And if I’m going there out of need, that’s one thing but if I’m going there out of my own personal desire or want to, I’m going to be much more engaged wherever I go next. And I think that’s what video creates as part of the the candidate experience. You have any thoughts around that Brian?
Brian Forrester
What my first thought is, I never said lipstick on a pig and sell it until I started spending time in Nashville. And now I say it all the time and people make fun of me. So if you like pigs, you don’t have pigs in Portland. Yeah, if we if we did we probably, you know, turn them into pets. Exactly. You’re not eating them that’s for sure. No, no pigs are people too. So yeah, I have lots of thoughts on that. The biggest thing you know, you talked about love at first click, I really liked that. And I think, you know, we’ve done surveys, global surveys, understanding, trying to understand how Lumina videos impact the way candidates perceive you, you as an employer, or as a potential employer. You know, branding is one of these things, you know, me five years ago, I set up branding, that’s not a real thing that sounds like some hippie nonsense. And boy, have I learned a lot in that time. I mean, I’ve really come to, to grasp and to respect the people whose profession it is to, to build a brand and then to protect that brand, and then to keep that brand relevant. And so we’ve done studies that show Lumina videos, dramatically impact and change the way candidates perceive and feel about your brand. So things like friendliness, moderness, you know, even inclusiveness and diversity, all sorts of things, attractiveness at a fundamental level, are you attracted to this company? Those types of things are impacted by what content they were exposed to. And one of the most important things for me that it really boils down to is we did a global survey, over 10,000 responses from candidates. And we asked them to choose visually, would you rather read a job posting or would you rather watch a video job posting, and and they got to choose like, they would click on one or the other, and 70% of people, regardless of age, or country or industry or anything, 70% of candidates said, I would rather watch a video job posting. And so when a company goes to the trouble of investing in video as a strategy, what they’re doing is not just, I mean, sure, there’s a selfish aspect of it, I want to get more leads, I want to get more hires. But I think on a fundamental level, as a job seeker, what’s being communicated to me, even if I don’t know it is that this brand has empathy. For my experience as a job seeker, they care about the fact that I’m sitting here going through dozens and dozens of jobs, trying to find the one that’s right for me. And they’ve and you know, and that means a lot that really sticks out to the job seeker. And I think that says a lot about who you are as an organization, that you’ve gone to the trouble of making their experience a little bit better. Because, you know, whether you’re, you know, without a job and looking for one, or whether you’re, you’ve got recruiters coming after you day and night, because you’re, you know, so talented and skilled and you’ve got a great resume, whatever it might be. The challenge of finding the right fit isn’t easy, as a job seeker, and I think when companies go out of their way to make it a little bit easier. It just goes a long way in winning points and showing empathy.
It’s a differentiator, right? In a market, especially think about healthcare or manufacturing, you know, to high volume industries with, you know, a substantial amount of turnover, there’s not a lot of differentiators between why I should be here versus someplace else other than personal opinion. Yeah. And video is a great way to dissuade that. I’m actually shocked that only 70% said they prefer to read, or they prefer the video over the over the text based job description. So I figured it would be 90, you caught me off guard there without Brian.
Brian Forrester
Well, the other thing that I think about too is and I see it more and more, right you the going back to the lipstick on a pig thing. There are companies out there that I would never want to work at, right who I don’t align with their values or their their methods. But on the other hand, there are plenty of companies that I’ve never heard of that I would love to go work at that I’d be a great fit. That, you know, if I landed a job there, I’d be there for 30 years, you know, the the challenges that a lot of those companies that have great cultures, or just a really good kind of work environment and the right values that match with mine. I’m never going to know that just by reading their job posting. Right. And so, really what what I see our role is in a lot of ways is taking awesome opportunities that are kind of hidden underneath boring text and bullet points and bringing those to life. You know, really, really giving them the opportunity to say no, wait, we are awesome. Come check us out. This is just taste of who we are. And it’s amazing, even with a 30 second video, like the ones who make at Lumina, we can capture and realize so much of that information, because we’re dealing with a multi sensory dynamic experience.
So you, you segwayed me, well, to my next topic, but I got to go back for a moment, because you mentioned, you mentioned video job descriptions, what would you say to those of the folks that are listening and saying, why would I pay for a video job description? When a text job description is free? Well, what would be the change? How would you change my mind around around that concept around around my thought they’re around that we have a limited budget?
Brian Forrester
Yeah, yeah, limited budget is always a big deal. And that’s, you know, one of our really core focuses is making video affordable and accessible to talent acquisition teams, whether you’ve got, you know, a small budget in one job or a massive budget and a, you know, 100,000 jobs. So the, the direct answer is really thinking about well, first, you know, I want to I want to, I don’t want to hate too much, you know, you’ve seen those. I don’t think they do any more. But the Mac versus PC commercial, right, where it’s like a young cool guy. And then like the, the nerdy older guy, and really, like those are, those are textbook great commercials. But I don’t want to knock the traditional job posting too hard. Because there is value in, in the words, there’s value in bullet points, I use bullet points every day. But the the disadvantage is that, that doesn’t reflect everything, it doesn’t capture what we really want to share as recruiters or talent acquisition professionals, and so the three reasons so we ask our, you know, a lot of companies, they’ll go and they’ll say, Here’s why you should buy our product. And we don’t do that, right? We don’t do that at all, what we do is we explain to people, what our other customers articulate to us as why they bought our product, and why they keep working with us. So you know, if you get into a demo with me, I’ll go through that. And I’ll say, here are the three reasons customers tell us, they started working with us why they started working with us. And then here are the three reasons why they keep working with us. And there really are. The first category is brand enhancement, right. So you as you said earlier, you want to differentiate, you want to be different than the whether it’s the hospital across town, or, you know, Amazon versus eBay or Apple versus, you know, Tesla or whoever is competing for talent, you want to be different, right. And then you also want to seem more modern, you want to see more relevant, and so on and so forth. So, branding is a really big motivator, video job postings as a way to enhance your employer brand. The other two components are pretty connected. The first one is, I want a higher volume of applicants, right, I’m looking at my ATS. I’m checking it in the morning when I come to work, zero new applicants, you know, or even worse, you know, five new applicants and none of them are qualified, and I’ve got to go through, you know, and so what video job postings can do is really be effective at attracting, reaching and attracting more people. So if you want more applicants for your job, then video job postings is a really good investment for you. The last thing is really around career pages, because, you know, almost every organization has a job page or a career page or career portal, whatever you want to call it, a place where you list your jobs. And every day you might have, you know, let’s say you’ve got one position. on a Monday, you might have 100, people who look at that job posting, they scratch their heads, they look at it, and then they go check their Facebook or they go do they get a they go buy a sandwich somewhere, right? They get distracted, they fall off. Out of those 100 people who look, maybe two or three of them if you’re lucky actually apply for the job. So this is one of my the things I’m most passionate about, right, you already did all of the hard work to get people to the front door. So if you embed a Lumina video into that career page, and I mean, giving the candidate the opportunity to read the job posting or engage with the video, you’re gonna see an impact on the view to apply rate. We call that conversion sometimes, I think that’s one of the most valuable things you can do because those those 100 people didn’t just end up on your career page. By accident. All of the other hard work you and your team and your predecessors have been doing lead them to that spot. Now what you need to do is make sure that they don’t go off and buy a sandwich that they actually they convert that they actually apply. And that’s that’s a really big role that we play in in the customers that we have now.
Yeah, I like that you said front door because I our partners here at endevis are probably tired of me using the analogy that our website is like our home, and you don’t just, you know, you don’t you don’t move into a house and never update or edit anything that’s happening in your house, right? You know, even even a 30 year old home goes through renovations, which is, you know, a 30 year old company might go through a couple, couple rebrands. And, and things of that nature through the years, right. And when we, you mentioned getting to that front door, and I often talk about how social media is the is the front porch, the the front yard of your home, that’s your curb. That’s your curbside appeal, right. That’s what people see, they don’t know, people aren’t just going and hanging out on a hospital or manufacturing company’s website, like, there just not. And so the only way for them to understand and interact with who you are, is through your public persona, right. And for companies that’s social media, so who they are online, is a great way for companies to get a taste. And in order for them to get a taste. They have to you have to be visible. And fortunately for video, all of our social media platforms today, their algorithms give you a nice uptick as well. So there’s a number of things in my opinion that make video effective in for organization looking to find a differentiator, is it? Is it the only tool that you need? Absolutely not. I think you would agree with that as well, Brian, and there’s just so many elements to the recruitment process that and this is not the first time I’ll say this on all of our podcasts. But I’m a big believer in the Disney model, the Disney service profit chain. And if you look at that service, profit chain model, it starts at the top with your employees. And in my opinion, you take that a step higher, and you talk with your talent acquisition strategy. Because if you have the right strategy in place, then you’re going to attract the right employees and videos a great way to attract people that feel a connection to your brand. And they want to come serve your organization. And if you create that warm experience for people, and they feel positive about your, your, your company and your brand and your experience, they’re going to treat employees, they’re going to treat patients, customers, clients, the whole the whole gamut of people that could interact with the organization with with a delicate touch, right? And they’re going to they’re going to serve them as if the founder or CEO was the one serving them. And so we’ve talked a lot about video job descriptions, sorry, video job postings, right, they get the average, right? So we’re near the end, and I need to know, what’s next. Is it just video job postings? And that’s it. But I mean, where do all do any video? What kind of videos are out there? etc?
Brian Forrester
Sure. So you want you want the trade secrets on the big the big master plan?
I do I need to know what you’re presenting, you know, to get that that spot on the New York Stock Exchange? You know,
Brian Forrester
Oh, there we go. It’s a good question. And it’s something that we’ve been talking a lot about lately, as we, you know, I started really, as a one person team, trying to validate the idea, you know, manually and we’ve just come so long in the last so far in the last 18 months, as we look towards the future, we’re really benefiting from, you know, we treat our customers like partners, we ask them tough questions. They’re brutally honest with us, I know, you certainly have been as a partner. And that’s helpful. That’s really how companies grow and, and what what industry leaders need is just transparency and honesty to move their organizations forward. So one of the trends that we’ve been seeing is, you know, it’s not just about content, right? We can create the best video in the world, right, we can spend that $100,000 we can get Morgan Freeman to do the voiceover. And, you know, and it’s not going to matter one bit if the video never sees the light of day. And so as we’ve started working with more and more customers, and more and more industries, one of the things we’ve realized is, is just how valuable it is to be able to play a role in not just creating the content, but actually delivering it to where it needs to go. So you know, creating a video job posting for an opening an emergency room doctors needed in Dallas, Texas. Okay, so we make that video. It looks awesome. It’s well branded, it’s crisp, well, instead of handing it off to the customer and saying good luck. How can we actually stick around if they want us to, and help deliver that video to the types of candidates who need to see it. And that’s really what we’re looking at as kind of the next I’d say two to three year plan is continuing to perfect and refine what we’re doing now around content creation. And putting videos on career pages and boosting conversion. But the long term focus, I think, really is going to continue to be around exploring the opportunity to create content, and then in a very deliberate, purposeful way to surface it to candidates who need it right to play that distribution role.
Ryan as a marketer, you know, I love video. So I appreciate you being on today, I would love to hopefully have you back on in 2022. Whenever we can here, maybe about what what you’re doing, then, because I think we’re in a, we’re in a situation where these things are evolving rapidly. I know at endevis, we, we have made decisions here to say, with technology providers, we’re only looking at them on a year to year solution list because we have to say to ourselves, look, technology can be outdated so quickly, and today’s environment. And so it’s important for us as a service provider to make sure that we’re evaluating technology constantly and understanding what is most valuable to us today. So that way, we can be providing our client partners with the most valuable tools and resources at this time. And so that’s one of the reasons we partner with you, Brian, and so I’m proud to know that, you know, we have a partner here that is helping us attract and bring people to our client partners that you know, do view them as, as a modern, modern organization, and appear to be a Best Place to Work potentially. Right. And so, again, great having you on, I appreciate our partnership, and you know, if if someone has questions about Lumina, or how they can reach out to you I’d be more than happy to answer those questions myself. But how about the horse’s mouth? Brian another other animal analogy? How can our listeners find you and contact you?
Brian Forrester
Yeah, absolutely. I mean, saying you know, saying you’re a friend of Chris will go a long way with us. So don’t don’t hesitate to share that. But definitely you can find [email protected] so and then you know, I’m on LinkedIn as well. I’m very active there. So feel free to add me and and check us out and TikTok and we’re not on TikTok yet.
No you are you said. Yeah. You got some good dancing videos on on TikTok. Yeah, I’m working on my moves. That’s a wrap on another episode of the talent tide podcast. Please be sure to like, subscribe and rate wherever you listen or watch the podcast, from Apple to Spotify to YouTube. Go win the day. And remember, success is on the other side of fear. The talent tide podcast is sponsored by endevis. endevis is a full service recruiting firm, offering a broad range of solutions from professional contracting to retained and contingency search to recruitment outsourcing. endevis prides itself on its core values of being bold, accountable, help first, passionate, and results driven to ensure the talent we bring to our partners matches their core values and overall mission. For more information, please visit that is
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]]>The post Episode #8 – Chris Nichols and HRO Today appeared first on endevis.
]]>Debbie 00:21
Welcome to another HRO Today educational podcast. In this series, we aim to provide you the latest workforce management approaches and best practices in HR. I’m Debbie Bolla, the Editorial Director of HRO Today magazine. The COVID19 pandemic has posed challenges to nearly all organizations and many healthcare organizations have been at the heart of the global crisis. High demand has led to supply shortages, especially when it comes to nurses. In fact, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that 11 million additional nurses are needed to avoid a further shortage and long pressing hours have caused worker wellbeing to become a major concern. A survey from Mental Health America supports this with 76% of respondents reporting exhaustion and burnout and 75% saying they are overwhelmed. So how can healthcare organizations succeed in this challenging environment? And what are ways HR can leverage in order to attract, recruit, and retain these essential workers? Today, I have an expert here with me who will offer some insight. Chris Nichols is Vice President of Marketing for endevis. endevis is a people-first technology driven organization dedicated to optimizing and scaling the recruitment process. From enterprise solutions to on demand recruitment, endevis’ team works across the healthcare, manufacturing, supply chain, finance, and tech industries. Chris, thanks for joining me. How should healthcare organizations pivot their recruitment strategies to be successful in today’s market?
Chris 01:52
Well, that’s a great place to start, Debbie, because I think when the general public thinks about healthcare, the majority of us think about hospitals. And while that is a significant portion of the healthcare industry, the healthcare industry is much broader than that. We have everything from skilled nursing facilities to managed care and home health and telehealth now, which has exploded in 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. And on top of that, physician clinics and physician offices and outpatient surgery, and there’s so many different facets of healthcare that we as consumers don’t think about. And so, when we think about how they should be pivoting their strategies, it really comes back to being proactive, at endevis about 50% of our clients are in healthcare. What we’re constantly working with them to achieve is a level of preparedness in in focusing on workforce planning, and understanding where they have challenges today, and where they could have challenges in the future and being proactive in our recruitment strategies. For us, a lot of our clients, when we onboard them, we find that they have a reactive strategy overall to recruitment. Opening occurs, we start recruiting, and that’s just not the way that an effective TA team recruits. Unfortunately, due to budget constraints, TA almost always ends up being one of the first things to go. What we encourage is to have an active social media strategy, making sure that people understand who you are. Videos work great, especially in healthcare, because it shows empathy and compassion for people. And it shows them in their work environment. It shows them what the facility looks like. Because oftentimes, when we go to health care facilities, it kind of has a negative connotation. As a consumer, when you go in, you’re not really looking at what the environment’s like because you’re typically there hoping to come away feeling better than you arrived. That’s where the videos come into play. So, I think the more video that can be used to describe the workplace. Authenticity plays a significant role as well, Debbie, and showing videos of interviews with current employees, I think that’s extremely valuable as well. So just some authenticity, really. And I think that’s where it really shows in clinical authenticity, not just the CEO giving his or her stump speech, but an RN, from the med surg unit, talking about what it means to her to work there, a nurse manager and why they’ve been at the organization for so long. Those are the types of things that start to humanize the workplaces. And to be honest, that helps with retention and engagement as well, because the more people talk about what a great place to work it is, the more people believe it, right. And I think sometimes we get stuck around the idea of “Well, our scheduling isn’t great, or there’s this negative issue over here and that negative issue over there.” And as employees, we start to dwell on the negatives, right, but the more that we hear and see ourselves, the organization talking positively and talking about their vision, it puts it out there for people, the more that people hear it, the more that it can be believed and the more that people want to be a part of that.
Debbie 04:50
That’s a good transition to my next question. How should healthcare organizations emphasize their employer brands and their position as an employer of choice?
Chris 04:58
You’re right that is perfect transition. A lot of organizations aren’t quite sure what employer brand is. I would use a Jeff Bezos quote, it’s going to be paraphrased here, but essentially, he says, “Your brand is whatever people are saying about you.” When we talk about healthcare organizations, you have consumers that are potentially talking about you. And you have the largest number of your employees population, which is often nurses. Nurses talk to each other across organizations, and they share with other people what it’s like to work there. On the consumer side, they do the same thing. So, if I have a bad consumer experience as a patient, or as a family member of a patient at a hospital or any other clinical setting, I probably tell people about that. The healthcare industry has very high standards, obviously, as they should. But what that means is that anything negative that could occur could come back to hurt you. Organizations have to be proactive about those types of things. And I think that’s where customer service comes and plays a significant role. So those things are more on the training side of the organization, because like Bezos said, if you are what people say about you, if that’s what your brand is, then no matter what you say about yourself, it doesn’t correlate to what people are saying about you. That’s where it’s going to affect your recruiting and how you’re going about it, having a proactive strategy to train your team members on customer service, as well as patient preparedness and understanding how to talk to patients and family members and being compassionate and empathetic. That’s the start of your employer brand. The other aspect of it is working with your marketing department. So often, it’s not just healthcare companies, it’s companies across the board. There’s not a lot of conversations that take place between marketing and HR/Recruiting. Oftentimes, talent acquisition teams are left to do these things on their own. And I would argue that in talent acquisition and HR, your best friend, in a siloed part of the organization should be marketing, because whatever that you can do to walk across the aisle and talk to them about brand and enhancing what you’d like to be able to say your organization is – they’re going to be a big fan of that. Marketers love to get creative. They love to build strategy. And so, they’re always looking for supporters within the organization. When we think about employer brand, I think it’s really important for COOs and Chief Nursing Officers to work with HR, and for HR to work with Marketing, because they all have to work together as a cohesive unit, none of those silos in the organization are going to be able to fix or share what an employer brand is alone. They just don’t have the capabilities to do that. And so, it requires Operations, HR, TA, and Marketing working together to establish brand guidelines, brand influence and understand who the organization is and why employees and potential employees would want to work there.
Debbie 05:30
So Chris, some healthcare sectors are facing the issue of supply and demand. What are some creative ways organizations can find an attractive candidate?
Chris 07:04
You’re absolutely right – supply and demand is a huge challenge for healthcare companies today. In my opinion, 2021 – it’s only going to worsen. And much of that has to do with the COVID-19 pandemic. How to locate those employees is really going to come down to looking back at your employer brand and understanding what people are saying about you and what people are saying in the marketplace. Because at the end of the day, there is a shortage of people. And so, what we have to do as an organization is look at where we’re coming up short and start to repair those broken relationships with not only our current employees, but with past prospects. So, people that have been through the organization before – maybe they’ve been through the hiring process and didn’t get hired. And so, in most areas, there is a supply of nurses. And if you look at where they’re working at, it typically comes down to a couple of things, flexibility with scheduling, flexibility, and mobility within the workplace. One of the biggest challenges healthcare has is its kind of relatively flat nature that once you’re an RN, you’re an RN for the next 40 years. And while that’s not necessarily the case, because there are different levels of nurse supervisors and managers, I don’t know that organizations do a good enough job at this moment in time, of sharing those career paths with their current staff. And so, talking to nurses about what opportunities exist within the workplace, and being cognizant of sharing those opportunities with them in the present and preparing their teams for that growth. Because if you’re not preparing people for the next step, as they get bored or get frustrated with their current job, they’re gonna start looking elsewhere. Whereas if you’re preparing them for growth, they’re more likely to stick around, and the longer they stick around, the more likely they are to be a champion of your brand, and tell other people what it’s like to come work there. And so, you can see how a snowball effect would start to take place. Happy employees mean that your TA team is going to have more people that are being referred to them, which makes the time to hire go down. It makes your quality of hire typically go up and it reduces the workload as well on your TA team. Fixing the culture problem and establishing some simple guidelines for career paths, how those two things can help enhance your ability to recruit which means that from a supply and demand perspective, it’s going to help you be an employer of choice in your current market.
Debbie 10:13
Clearly, it’s been a challenging time for healthcare workers facing the COVID-19 pandemic, how can communicating benefits and employee wellbeing be a competitive advantage during the hiring process?
Chris 10:23
You know, benefits and wellbeing are probably more important than they’ve ever been. And as I was mentioning earlier in our conversation, Debbie, the idea that a flexible workplace has become so common across so many other industries throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, that healthcare is probably the one that has remained the least unchanged. And what I think can help any healthcare organization is being transparent, but also working with their staff to think creatively. I would argue that most hospitals are scheduling people and hiring and talking about what jobs are very similar to the way they were 10 years ago, which was similar to the way they were talking about 20 years ago, and 30 years ago, 12 hour shifts three days a week, or four days a week, 10 hour shifts, etc. and not having a lot of options for people really puts hospitals and healthcare organizations in a difficult position. Because you have telehealth companies that are now ramping up, you have home health companies. And so, when we think about the nurse population, we know that demographically it’s much greater female to male ratio. And we also know that females are more likely to seek out a more flexible work schedule if they have children. When you throw those things in there, you tend to have a gap, unfortunately, of kind of mid-career professionals, because a lot of hospitals, they do a great job of making new hires. And then you have a group of people who their kids are out of the house. And so, they’ve reentered the workforce, or they’ve gone back to hospital settings. So, they have an experienced group of nurses and they have an inexperienced group, but in the middle, they’re lacking the stability that they would like to have, I think of mid-career professionals. So, if we can think about benefits as not just being health insurance and retirement for once and start thinking about how important it is to think about the lives that people live today. And the fact that they would like to have the flexibility to work different schedules dependent upon the lives that they have their children and managing that part of their work life, I think that organizations would do a much better job retaining that talent. Because if they don’t offer different options, these people then go seek out more flexible opportunities. So, they work telehealth where they have the flexibility to hop on for two hours in the afternoon. And then they can you know, go take care of whatever chores or things that they have to take care of at home. And then they can hop back on in the afternoon or evening for a couple more hours and work. and home health is often very similar. And I think that the more that healthcare companies can be flexible with their work environment, that’s a benefit that they don’t take advantage of nearly enough. And so just thinking creatively talking to your employees about what benefits matter to them. That’s another piece of the equation that I think is really important. Oftentimes, we have senior HR leaders and senior executives in not just healthcare but any business making the decisions for their entire workforce about what benefits would be best for them. And I’m a big believer in talking to your workforce and understanding what they value, because there are so many different types of benefits available today. From student loan reimbursement, to flexible scheduling, to different types of retirement plans and different types of health plans, that offering these different types of benefits in the long run sets you apart from being just an employer to being an employer of choice.
Debbie 13:47
That’s some great advice. Chris, I know a lot of health care organizations are really looking for strategies to become an employer of choice in today’s very competitive marketplace. Until next time listeners, I’m Debbie Bola.
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]]>The post Episode #7 – Joy Johnson-Carruthers appeared first on endevis.
]]>Joy Johnson-Carruthers is a Master Trainer, Workforce Development Leader and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion advocate with over twenty years of experience developing high performing teams across the United States and abroad. Most recently named Diversity and Inclusion Professional of the Year, Joy is a Middle Tennessee Society for Human Resource Management board member and serves as the director of Diversity and Inclusion and the winner of the 2019 Diversity and Inclusion award and the 2020 Leadership Award. Joy is a workforce learning & development leader and the recipient of the HCA, HealthTrust Supply Chain 2020 Impact award.
Joy’s career began in the United States Army, and later as a police officer in St. Louis, Missouri. Her law enforcement career ended when a drunk driver rear-ended her patrol car. Joy went on to find her passion in education and workforce training, working as an adjunct professor of Humanities and Cultural Studies for over ten years and studying abroad in West Africa and South Korea. Joy holds a Master’s degree from UCLA, she’s a DDI certified facilitator and a SHRM certified HR professional.
Chris Nichols 00:14
Hello and welcome to The Talent Tide Podcast – the show that ensures you have the information you need to adapt and evolve your workplace culture as you ride the wave of change in talent management. I’m your host, Chris Nichols, and today we’re going to talk Diversity, Equity and Inclusion with my friend and fellow Middle Tennessee SHRM board member, Joy Johnson-Carruthers. We’ll discuss what DEI really is and how to manage it, and how to manage change and the future of work.
Joy Johnson-Carruthers is a Master Trainer, Workforce Development Leader and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion advocate with over twenty years of experience developing high performing teams across the United States and abroad. Most recently named Diversity and Inclusion Professional of the Year, Joy is a Middle Tennessee Society for Human Resource Management board member and serves as the director of Diversity and Inclusion and the winner of the 2019 Diversity and Inclusion award and the 2020 Leadership Award. Joy is a workforce learning & development leader and the recipient of the HCA, HealthTrust Supply Chain 2020 Impact award. Joy’s career began in the United States Army, and later as a police officer in St. Louis, Missouri. Her law enforcement career ended when a drunk driver rear-ended her patrol car. Joy went on to find her passion in education and workforce training, working as an adjunct professor of Humanities and Cultural Studies for over ten years and studying abroad in West Africa and South Korea. Joy holds a Master’s degree from UCLA, she’s a DDI certified facilitator and a SHRM certified HR professional. Welcome, joy. Thank you for being on the show. And is there anything that you haven’t done?
Joy Johnson-Carruthers 01:54
I know, right. That’s a lot. I tell people sometimes, like I, you know, I’m like a cat with nine lives. And I’m on life number seven, which is the great – the best one, right?
Chris 02:05
Yeah, you just keep reinventing yourself. And it’s awesome. And to be honest, I’ve known you for three years. And I don’t know that I knew, I think I knew some of the things when I got your bio, but now reading through it, like man, she’s just done everything and such a varied career and, you know, military, police, UCLA, St. Louis, I mean, you’ve been all over the place – South Korea. So, I don’t know that I know anybody that should be more well versed to speak on diversity than you Joy.
Joy 02:37
Right. And, and, you know, the strange thing as I was kind of, you know, living my life and going through these different things, when I started out, when I graduated from undergraduate, I went to a historically black college university, and I had my whole future planned out, and it was going to be in law enforcement. And so when that ended, it was really hard to, you know, kind of pivot and transition to the next, what I call the next best thing, because law enforcement, you know, I had dreams of going to the FBI and just being this great investigator. But what I found is that I’m still an investigator, but I investigate communities and culture and how we can come together, and I look at our past, our present and have hope for a future. And so, everything that I’ve done, even though it’s kind of all over the map, it’s all come together and help me to see the world through a very different lens than if I had only stayed in law enforcement.
Chris 03:45
Well, it’s cool that you found ways that your hard skills that you potentially learned, as a police officer and in the military, were transferable because I think that so many companies do a terrible job of looking at transferable hard skills and realizing that what I do in this particular industry, they always look at it, they say they look at the soft skills, right. And what they don’t realize is that the majority of hard skills are transferable across industry and across jobs. Right. And so it’s, I think it’s great that you make that parallel of your investigative skills and kind of repurposing them. Maybe a more broader scope. Right.
Joy 04:26
Right. And, and looking for answers, you know, not just showing up, you know, it’s the same with a crime scene, you know, and that’s some of the, you know, the struggle that we continue to have in, in law enforcement in the workforce, wherever – is you show up to, you know, a scene and you initially, whatever you see, your bias kicks in and all of a sudden, oh, it’s a problem, you know, oh, they’re raising their voice. They’re angry. Well, maybe they’re raising their voice because they’re having a great time. You know, it’s okay to shout and scream and get excited when you’re watching a football game, but what about if you get excited because a subject or a topic we’re talking about makes me excited, and so my voice raises. Or if I’m excited about a project that we’re working on, and we’re discussing ideas, and I might write like, yeah, that’s, you know, but all of a sudden, you know, we’re, we’re bringing our bias into a situation, and maybe we perceive danger where there is none or maybe we perceive differences where there really isn’t. We just have to get to a point where we can communicate clearly with each other, and kind of sift through our bias, sift through our, you know, maybe assumptions about one another. And so just like in law enforcement, to be good at it, you’ve got to show up and be willing to look at the whole scene, ask questions, investigate to find out what really happened. Because there’s, you know, this person’s side, that person’s side, and somewhere in the middle, there’s the truth. And there’s also a solution. But if you just listen to one person, or if you, you know, don’t do a good job of investigating and speaking to everyone involved, and that’s when we’re talking about inclusion, right? Everyone has to be involved to get the true picture and the true answer, but when you’re only talking to the people at the top, or you’re only talking to people who look and think like you, then you’re only going to get half of the answer, half of the picture.
Chris 06:32
And that is, it’s funny that you mentioned that because it brings me back to our third podcast episode. And I actually had Daniel Risen on with me, and we were talking about the, because he does health and benefits. He’s a health and fitness professional, right. And we were just talking about how, how often the people that are making the health and benefits choices for an organization are so far removed from like, who the majority of the people are, that are getting those services, right? And, and that’s something that – that can just be like an age difference, right? So, what somebody that might be an HR director, VP of HR feels as important to them, is not even relevant to a 25 or 35-year-old, professional. And I think this is such a great segue, you really kick things off, you’re already a professional at this Joy. Because I think when we think diversity, equity inclusion, we get so hung up on race and gender. And that’s so frustrating to me because there are so many differences that we all have. And race and gender are just a very, it’s the most noticeable, but probably the smallest difference that the majority of us have between each other.
Joy 07:47
Right, exactly. And, you know, I can circle back, you know, when I talked about, you know, my background, my experience, kind of coming full circle, and everything working together, because from law enforcement, learning how to investigate learning how to ask those questions. But then when I left law enforcement, I went into education. And I found out how important it is to educate, education opens doors for opportunity, but also education opens our minds, to be willing to adapt and to adjust and to, you know, be willing to accept that my reality, my facts, my way of living, my way of doing may not be the only way, but it requires education. If I’m not educated, then I look at the person next to me, “Well, you don’t eat dinner at the table, you eat dinner…” You know, I remember when my kids were growing up, my daughter brought one of her friends from school, and she gets the dinner plate and goes to sit on the sofa to watch TV and my daughter’s like, “Oh, no, no, we have to eat at the table.” And I remember this, the young lady said, “Your mom’s a freak.” She… you know, and I was really proud of the fact that every night I cooked dinner and my family, we sat at the table and ate. And I just had an assumption that everybody valued that. But here was a little girl who lived, you know, just a few blocks away. And she thought the notion of sitting at the kitchen table eating together, and not being able to take your food and watch TV while it’s in your lap, made me a freak. And you know, my first reaction was, you know, I’m gonna kill this little girl. But I had to kind of take a deep breath. And because I was in an education space, I had to take a deep breath and say, “You know what, that’s a great lesson for me that everybody doesn’t, you know, come from the same environment or don’t have the same values or the same experience.” And so, it was important to explain to her and to you know, help her to understand this is why eating at the time was important to us. It gives us a time to talk together, it gives, you know, I’m working, they’re in school. So, this is the one time of the day that we can get together and do something together. And the young lady who just a minute ago called me a freak, she’s like, “Well, man, I’m gonna tell my mom maybe cuz we never get to talk to each other”, right? But it was a teachable moment, but I had to slow down enough and investigate first, right? And then get my education hat on not only to educate myself to be patient in that situation, but also be willing to share and educate others rather than just get offended. And it stopped right there.
Chris 10:40
Yeah, to be offended and react, right? Because that is the world we live in today.
Joy 10:45
Today, exactly. And that’s the other thing. You know, when people ask me, you know, well, what makes you a subject matter expert? Well, number one, I’ve been doing it for 20 years, even when Diversity, Equity and Inclusion was definitely not popular. You know, they didn’t want to see me coming. You would have thought that I was an encyclopedia salesman, right? Anytime I try to talk to somebody, they’d be slamming doors! Like here she comes! You know, like, it’s like a Kirby vacuum cleaner salesman or something, right? They did not want to hear it. But I hung in there because it was something that was important to me. And, I’m grateful that I’ve lived long enough to see this topic kind of move from a taboo subject to kind of the top of it. Because I saw years ago, looked at the data that said, you know, our communities are gonna continue to change and evolve and become more and more diverse. And when you get these different cultures, these different backgrounds, some who eat at the table, and some who eats at the, at the sofa in front of TV, right? You get all these people in the room, if you don’t educate, if you don’t investigate, if you don’t stop, and, you know, kind of get away from your preconceived notions about, you know, my way is the only way, right, you know, my culture, my background, my, you know, worldview is it. Once we get past that, now we can start talking, now we can start working together. That’s when real innovation is gonna take place. You know, companies are always talking about innovation and, what is it, being resilient and all that – not until you include everyone, you’re not even getting close to that. Innovation will start when we start working together.
Chris 12:35
I love it. I love it. So, we have these three words: diversity, equity inclusion. And we’ve kind of already mentioned that diversity is always the one that gets thrown to the very top, because that’s the easiest one to think about and see. Because we’re really terrible thinkers in reality right, and humans are terrible at thinking. So, would you mind giving our audience and our listeners, like a general non dictionary definition of diversity, equity, and inclusion?
Joy 13:06
And so, there’s a lot of them that are out there, right. So what I would say with diversity is just like we talked about, you know, it’s not just about race, it’s about, you know, diversity of thought, you know, like, the way I approach something, diversity in terms of our economic status. You know, I might be from a, you know, a lower middle-class background, which is going to inform the way I think about like, stuff like grocery shopping. Like Whole Foods, for me – when I first started shopping at Whole Foods, and I’m embarrassed to say it now I’ve gotten, my friends would call it “boujee-er”. But initially, you know, to see an apple for two or three dollars at Whole Foods? You know, I’m in the store, like WHAT. You know, and they’re ready to call security because like, “this lady is in here, you know, what is wrong with her”, but I was just like, sticker shocked. Because, you know, for me, $2 should buy you a whole barrel of apples based on how I was raised and where I came from. Where other people are like, “what’s your problem, right? Why are you here if a $2 apple is a problem?”
Joy 14:16
So just diversity in you know, male, female, what you know, who you love diversity in, you know, how much you’ve traveled. You know, I’ve met people who think that they know everything about the world, but they’ve never left their county. Not the state, but they’ve never left their county. I have people right here in Nashville who’ve never been four hours away. But yet they have opinions and thoughts about you know, what the world should be doing, right? So, diversity is all in every difference that you could possibly think of. You know, a fashionista versus someone who only wear sneakers, that’s diversity. So when you start talking about dress codes and different things, you know, or when you start talking about business casual – well casual to me, you know, might be a pair of jeans, someone else, it might be flip flops. Because they’re from, you know, maybe a warmer state where flip flops was the, you know, the national uniform, right? So, it just, you know, so diversity is so many different things seen and unseen diversity. I’m a veteran, maybe you’re not. So my, my thoughts on the military are going to be totally different from someone who’s never served. So again, diversity is just all these different things. But we look at people, and we see what we see, we think what we think. But there’s so many layers to even just you and I on this call that we could check boxes, where we fit in so many different categories. Right, right. Yeah. I might just say, white man, black woman, right, we’re so much more than that.
Chris 16:01
Sure. And if I look at like your bio, knowing that you were a police officer in St. Louis. I grew up two hours from St. Louis, in the middle of nowhere, but St. Louis, but like, that’s my city. I was from like, a little bitty farm town. People from St. Louis are like, “Where are you from?” But like, I grew up, and I was like, Nellie, he’s my rapper, because he’s from St. Louis. Like, I go to a Cardinals baseball game twice a year. And I think that St. Louis is my city. Right? But
Joy 16:25
Yeah, you’ll hear a little bit of that country grammar coming out sometimes when I really get excited. Okay. You’ll hear some of that Nellie.
Chris 16:32
I like it, I like it. What about equity? What about equity? What is equity?
Joy 16:36
You know, equity is something that’s new, that’s kind of come on the scene. Um, you know, I’m still kind of warming up to equity. Because, you know, equity is more about making things, you know, level or making them congruent or what some people might call fair, right? But how do you do that. So, if you come in and say, “We’re going to give everybody in the company $20 a month for gas. For some people that’s, “Oh, that’s great. $20 for gas I could fill up for the whole week.” But let’s say someone who lives an hour and a half away, $20 doesn’t even you know, scratch the surface of what it’s going to cost them to get in. Or we would say to someone, “Well, we’re going to give everyone as a benefit. You know, tuition reimbursement.” “Well, I graduated several years ago, I don’t need tuition. So, what do I get?” Right? We’re all paying for these benefits. But I don’t get to use any of them. Right. So how is that equitable? You know, so it’s really hard. You, you – it’s something that if you just look and say, we’re just going to give everybody the same thing, but everybody’s not starting at the same place. I might need a little more to get me up to the person who can spend $2 on an apple at Whole Foods, right?
Chris 18:06
Yeah, absolutely.
Joy 18:07
So how do we really tackle equity? So I think that that’s a, that’s a really a very complex, and I think we’re in a society where everybody wants to push that easy button, you know, they want to just say, “Okay, let’s just make it equitable, everybody’s gonna get the same thing.” Everybody doesn’t need the same thing. I don’t need tuition reimbursement. I spent almost 15 years paying off my student loans. Give me something I can use now, right, like people pay off my house note, you can help me out. Um, so again, there’s just, you know, I think there’s some – equity needs a very deeper dive, and you can’t address equity unless you address institutional racism. Unless you address these laws and, and different voting and different things that are in place that that help to suppress marginalized society, you’ll never get to equity until you deal with that. I don’t think that that’s something that the workplace can really address.
Chris 19:16
Joy 19:17
You know, you can give everybody $20 but you can’t – the workplace can’t help where I live. Right? And so, where one person, you know, they’re safe, and they’re good, but I may be an employee who’s still struggling with food, shelter, clothing, and maybe even my own personal safety, depending on where I live. And so how do you deal with equity when you’re offering everybody $20 for gas, and I’m struggling to pay my electricity bill?
Chris 19:48
Certainly. It’s kind of the qualitative right. Whereas diversity is quantitative right? You can list diversity items. Yeah. But equity is so much more challenging because it -you know, to your point, the sti- right now it’s mid-February as we’re recording this and stimulus checks are still a big topic of conversation and for my family that still lives in the middle of nowhere in rural Illinois $600 is totally different value to even me here in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, right? Those numbers are not the same for both of us and you can’t make it across the board. Right.
Joy 20:25
And even in the workplace, you know, some careers, you know, they I’ve gone on different jobs as a, as a development trainer. And different companies have said, “Well, you know, we need you to travel – show up here, here, here, and we’ll pay you at the end of the month.” Well, there’s, there’s a whole plethora of qualified individuals who could have accepted that job. But everybody can’t afford to travel and pay for food and hotel, and then you reimburse me 30 to 45 days later. So, you just knocked me out of the running for this particular position or this opportunity because you haven’t taken into account that maybe I’m not at the same economic level as my colleagues. And how embarrassing for me to have to come and tell you that?
Chris 21:18
Joy 21:20
Yeah, equity… like I said, equity has a lot of different layers to it that is a deeper dive, and maybe, you know, something that as a community, and as you know, government and states and everything, it’s – I don’t think equity is something that the workplace can really truly dig into, unless they start with diversity – recognizing diversity, and then working towards inclusion. And then I think equity is like the last, you know, layer, the foundation is diversity, recognizing that we’re not all the same, right? Because companies want this cookie cutter answer to everything. And that doesn’t always work, right. And then to meet inclusion. Now, first, you recognize my humanity, you recognize my differences, you recognize the value of that, and you’re not trying to make me assimilate and be, you know, like Jimmy and John in the room, like, everybody can bring their whole self right. And then once you do that you recognize and you respect the differences, then we start including the different voices, we start including the different perspectives, and then once you recognize and can include and hear from everyone. Now, when you start talking about equity, those individuals are in a safe space to say, “Hey, $2 to you, is very different than $2 for this group in that group”, and you’re in a space where because you’ve already tackled diversity and inclusion, now you can think and act on equity.
Chris 23:05
Right. So, inclusion, let’s go there, what is that?
Joy 23:10
inclusion is just that allowing spaces where differences, individuals are respected, celebrated, and allowed to, you know, be their authentic selves. And I know we say that, and it sounds good. But in reality, you know, there, I remember when, and I was in California, which I’ve never lived a place more forward thinking and more inclusive than Los Angeles, California, when I went to UCLA. That was just, you know, that was the best seven years of my life. I wasn’t in grad school that long, but I stayed in LA because I thought it was just neat to live there. It was the most inclusive place -and I remember when I graduated from UCLA, I just got back from about four months in West Africa. And I had gotten a grant to travel to Africa. So, I had a presentation to do to kind of talk about my research and, and my master’s thesis, and I was on top of the world. And I applied for some great jobs. And every one of them, I showed up, and then I was rejected. And I couldn’t understand why. And I remember, you know, and I am a person of faith. So, I remember praying about it. And it’s like, it’s like, you need to cut your hair. I was like, what, and at the time I had locks and they were very neat, and I had them curled, and I had them pulled back and so, you know, went to these interviews, very polished with my three piece suit on so to speak. And I couldn’t understand why because I had all the background. And I cut my hair, and I kid you not and I cut it short like this, the very next interview, I went on, I was offered a job. It had everything to do with my hair. And that was in California. Right? And, and I vowed ever since then I’ve cut my hair, and I made that compromise. But I said, I would not go back to straight hair again. So ever since that situation, I promised myself that I would keep my hair natural. And I’ve done that ever since. And this short style seems to be acceptable. But braids, I remember when you couldn’t wear braids. Even in the military, I remember having to take my braids out. And I remember, as a – in high school, I was actually a debutante at a prestigious African American church in St. Louis, Missouri. And you know, my elders, people I looked up to, when it was time for the debutante ball, I had beautiful long braids, they said you got to cut those braids and straighten your hair. And those things stuck with me, even for my own community.
Chris 26:02
Sure. Right. And that’s a generational difference. Right. And that it’s, it’s so challenging for people to see all the things that different individuals deal within their, their own little bubble of life, right.
Joy 26:20
And even, you know, and I’m talking about myself, because it makes it you know, I try not to talk in “they” and “them” and most people I try to keep, you know, the focus on what I know, and what I’ve experienced, because I don’t want to offend anyone, because we all you know, come from different spaces. But even my own daughter, my oldest daughter decided that she was going to be a pescatarian. And Sunday dinners are this big deal for us. And my husband’s like this gourmet cook, but we throw down Southern style, right. And everything we had, she wouldn’t – couldn’t eat. And we were just annoyed with her. But again, inclusion means that we had to first respect her choice to be a pescatarian, you know, not to make fun of it, and jokes. And because we did, we did a little of that. But respect, you know, the choice that she had made, respect the fact that she had a right to make that choice, right. And that also, if we wanted her and valued her participation in those family dinners, we had to make those adjustments. And so, we began to and actually some of the dishes that she introduced, we actually like and we still eat. But again, that inclusion piece, it wasn’t just, “Well, here’s some fish over here for you, Miss Special. You know, that wasn’t making her feel welcome, right. So, inclusion really meant not only acknowledging the difference, respecting the difference, but then making those adjustments so that she could fully participate in dinner, and not feel like the other. And I will admit for a while, for almost a year, we treated her like other and I’m thankful that she didn’t just walk away, but she kept coming with what we call her “weird dishes”. And, you know, over time, she won us over and we made some adjustments as well.
Chris 28:19
I love that story. Joy. That’s, that’s a good one. Because I – there’s so many things that you especially like in your family setting, right, that you get irritated or annoyed with just a family member’s like habits or their things, right? You realize that you know, at the end of the day, you’re just not being accepting to who they are or who they want to be. Right. And that’s a family member. So that’s where they should feel most accepted. Right.
Joy 28:46
Right. Right. And so, if you transpose, that you know, how we treat our own family who we love and care for going to the workplace, and now you’re having a potluck. Exactly, right. So, it’s like, well, you can’t eat it, you know, keep moving, kick rocks, right? You know, we’re here for pizza. And we don’t think about, you know, should we maybe do a vegan dish, or should we? And I found, you know, in my last position I did, I worked with a leadership group. And so, I would be a part of ordering for our conferences, and I would order vegan dishes and gluten free. And those who didn’t subscribe to it, were the first ones to grab it. But I’m like, wait a minute, you didn’t put that you had any, you know, type of food. And I found out that a lot of individuals, even millennials, were reluctant to say that they had either food allergies or specific dietary because they didn’t want to draw attention to themselves.
Chris 29:47
Absolutely. I can think of a situation where just – so my kids had Valentine’s parties and stuff recently and our oldest daughter has some issues with like dairy and things of that nature. So they were having pizza at school and one and one of her other friends also had some dairy issues and their – her mom chose to, to get them a pizza that was dairy and gluten free to bring to school and we kind of gave her a hard time about it. And now I’m looking back on it being like, you know what we should just like, we shouldn’t be that way. Right?
Joy 30:21
You know, and don’t beat ourselves up about it. But again, each day is a new opportunity to grow. Right?
Chris 30:30
Cuz we’re always like, can’t you just toughen up, like, come on, figure it out, right? And that’s not the right way to be at all. I’m gonna go – I’m gonna go put my nose in the corner after this.
Joy 30:41
No, and see – and that’s what I’ve learned to in training. And having 20 years of this, I’ve learned, you know, I’ve gone through different iterations of diversity and inclusion training. And one of the things that was done early on was to kind of go in and shake your finger, like you’re, you’re bad, you’ve done this. And that, that doesn’t work, you know, people have spent their whole lives in a certain mindset or in a certain space. And so, when you go in and tell them, you’re a bad person, a lot of us, you’re attacking my humanity. You know, a lot of us see ourselves as good people. And once we start holding up a mirror saying, No, you’re not so good. You’re you’ve done, you know, that’s not how people learn. You know, we’ve learned that positive reinforcement. And so what I try to tell individuals is that, you know, this week, we spent however many years learning certain habits and, and, you know, thinking and being a certain way, and so when new things are introduced to us, sometimes it takes time it takes practice, we have to first be conscious of it, right? Realize that we that, that that’s something that we can improve, and then work toward improvement. Like I said, my first introduction to Whole Foods was like, “Mmm mmm. That is not for me.” But now I go to Whole Foods happily, and I just walk past the two-dollar apple, but there are some things there that I can purchase, and I’m happy about it. But before it was like, “Oh, ugh. Whole Foods” but um, you know, I had to open up my mind to other, you know, ways of thinking and being and now the word organic is not foreign to me. But I had to be open to embrace that. And not just “Well, that’s for those boujee people.” No, organic is for everybody.
Chris 32:31
Right? And it’s tough because we all do have our own set of learned norms, values, and behaviors, right? And a lot of that’s based upon who you grew up around. And so, you really don’t even have a choice to a certain degree.
Joy 32:44
Oh, no, you don’t. And people say, well, kids don’t have biases. Yes, they do. Because they’re watching us as adults. They’re watching the shows that we watch. They’re listening to the music that we listen to, and they take cues from us. And so, when something happens on the news, and we’re going, you know, that person’s a “rah rah”, you know, why don’t they have COVID? You know, the kids are li- they hear that, and they’re picking up on that. And you’d be surprised, you know, and I’m always surprised that, you know, a lot of younger adults have the same kind of mindset, as, you know, parents and grandparents that they grew up around.
Chris 33:24
Yeah, absolutely. So, we’ve talked a lot about how this is a societal thing. But like D&I is definitely societal, right? And how we make these issues change. But it’s, it’s obviously a massive workplace initiative, point of emphasis, depending on you know, your word of choice in the – in your organization. So, like, what should a company set as goals because oftentimes, we get, being in the recruitment world we’ll have, we’ve had projects before, where people have come and said, “Hey, we want to be more diverse, we want, you know, we want to hire 100 non white male engineers this year”, you know, things like that, but, and while that that might be a helpful initiative, it may not even scratch the surface of being a change agent right in in your organization. So why should diversity maybe not just be the primary goal and what should it be? Maybe it should but what should be an organizational goal, or what are some goals that an organization could put in place that are not like the things that you would immediately think of?
Joy 34:34
Right? I’m gonna kind of pivot a little bit on that question, to kind of give some context to my answer. I get a lot of companies that call me and they go, “What can we do” and what I’ve found is hiding underneath that thin layer of “what can we do” is “what can we do quickly?” You know, because everybody again, wants that easy button. They want like, “What is this 123 magic trick that I can do.” And all of a sudden, you know, diversity is, you know, problem solved, boxes checked. And I tell individuals all the time that especially an organization, that you have to be patient with the process, because for a lot of organizations we’re talking about, especially if they’re more than five years old, saying, there’s some institutional norms that are in place that, you know, maybe more investigation into not just diversity, but what are some roadblocks that might be in place that stop us from hiring a diverse group of people? And then more importantly, are there some roadblocks to maintaining and keeping those individuals? Because there’s a lot of companies that are diverse if you just look at race and gender, right. But are you diverse in skillset? Are you diverse in who you are listening to and taking guidance from? Or when you look in the C suite? Are you looking the leaders that are making decisions? Are they all homogenous? And so a lot of companies will say, “Well, if you look at our demographics, we’re very diverse.” Are you? Are you diverse in thought? Are you diverse in background? Are you diverse and is everyone part of the Fortune 500 club? Or do you have some individuals in that group, like you said, would benefit who represent those individuals who are actually going to be using? And so, I think for the answer that I tell companies all the time is that it’s gonna be work, it’s not an easy button for this. And don’t try to boil the ocean, that you’ve got to find those little wins that you can accomplish along the way. And maybe one small step that you can take is looking at your recruiting process, you know, looking at what barriers might there be? Or what other things could we do to you know, be more welcoming? But then once you look at your infrastructure, and you look at your recruiting, then okay, once we get here, how do we onboard? You know, who do we partner? Who do we assign to train them? Is this a good trainer or is this someone who runs everybody out the door? Right?
Chris 37:35
Joy 37:36
And then, you know, once they get into their role, how do we continue to support them? How do we continue to let them know that you’re welcome, and you can bring your whole self? And then also, what do we put in place to make sure that they can grow and, and move, you know, into leadership roles? And we – and nobody wants to do that work? And then they start, you know, we make excuses like, “Well, you know, they need to be qualified, and everything has to be fair and equitable.” But again, we don’t all start at the same place. If you got your job, because the CEO is your cousin, you’re going to have a different route to leadership than somebody like me. And if you’re not willing to look at that, and take that into account, then you know, we’re going to not deal with facts and truth. And, be honest and courageous about what we have and the work that we need to do. You’re never gonna be successful, because you have to be able, you know, just like someone who has an addiction problem, you’re not going to solve it until you’re willing to admit that you have an issue.
Chris 38:50
Absolutely. And you’re right because companies – they want – everything’s a metric for organizations, right? KPI, it’s a goal. And so, it all, it always comes back to a number. And I think this is one of those topics that it’s, it’s not a number.
Joy 39:09
It’s not, it’s about your culture. And, for some of them it’s like, well we’re making money, we’re doing good, okay. But the companies that are outpacing you, are the companies that are looking at this and doing something about it. And it’s going to be the difference. And what companies don’t realize is that it’s going to be the difference between Netflix and Blockbuster. And I use that analogy all the time, keep doing what you’re doing. But Blockbuster was at the top of the world, and they said to themselves, “You know, we’re good. You know, we’re winning. We’re the heavyweight champions of the world.” Look at them now.
Chris 39:42
Yeah. There’s so many examples of that. I mean, there’s so many companies that are sitting there right now that we have no idea and to be honest, they don’t know either, right. Like they may not be able to see what threats exist for them.
Joy 39:57
Yes, yes. And again, Know you bring, you know, I see all the time is I’ve gone on to LinkedIn and individuals who’ve been in the training and development space or consulting for years, all of a sudden, since the murder of George Floyd, they’ve got DEI as part of their specialty. And I’m just like, “Really? Are you serious right now?” And so, there’s a whole host of, you know, vendors and people out there who say, that’s what they do. And companies don’t even know what questions to ask to find a, you know, a good person to deliver that. So, they’re like well, you know, look good, you know, and, but a lot of damage can be done, if you come in there with the wrong approach.
Chris 40:47
So, what are those questions? What are some questions for our listeners, you know, if I’m an HR leader, because that’s who this normally falls on? But what if I am the very forward and progressive thinking CEO? And I’m saying we need to do better? What are the questions that I should be asking either my team or external vendors on how to move forward, Joy?
Joy 41:08
I think the first thing that I would say to organizations, if they really care about their culture, is to ask their internal people. Do a survey but do an anonymous and an honest survey. And also, if people aren’t willing to take that survey, if you get like 10% or 20%, then that tells you something right there, that they don’t feel safe. Right? But ask them that question, what are some ways and there’s a lot of surveys that are out there free now with questions for DEI, and I mean, I do this for a living, so I’m not gonna like give away the – what do they call a giveaway the cow.
Chris 41:46
The secret sauce… We call it the secret sauce at endevis.
Joy 41:47
But you know, there’s a lot of surveys that are out there that you can get. And I think starting with, you know, just like in my, in your household or in your community and in your workplace, you start by asking those, those hard questions, right? and be willing to take the feedback. And you can you’ll see that where do we need to start? You know, maybe in the CEO’s mind, we need to start with recruitment. But why recruit new people into a culture or a workplace community that is toxic? That is not conducive to a diverse work environment, right? So maybe you need to start with your internal group, right? Based on that feedback, maybe you need to start with some of your managers who keep running people out the door. Yeah, maybe you need to go back to some of those exit interviews. Or maybe if you’re not doing exit interviews, you might want to start
Chris 42:46
and evaluate the questions you’re asking in the exit interview, right?
Joy 42:49
Yes. That information on you know, I get that all the time. What can we do? Well, start asking yourself, start asking your team. And then a lot of times I get it, you know, from HR especially, well, how do we get C suite or executives involved? Yeah, you want to keep working on that. But if you have a team, if you have a workspace, and you start making changes, and you start, you know, moving forward and winning awards, you don’t think the other groups are going to start paying attention? You know, a lot of people are waiting on the next person, you do it, you start it within your little group, even if you’ve got five direct reports, you all start changing and building that culture, those five people are going to start talking. And the next manager is going to come and say, what are you and so you can grow from where you are. And I know that sounds like a cliche, but I think so many people like there has to be some big grand gesture, when really start where you are.
Chris 43:51
And that goes with anything in business joy, right? Because the biggest challenge that I see across any organization is somebody says, “Well, I can’t do this, or they won’t let me do that, or this isn’t, they aren’t doing this.” And it’s just like, the only change agent is, is you right? Like, if you want something, do it, nobody’s really ever gonna stop you from doing something in an organization. I can’t think of any time that I’ve been told, “No, you shouldn’t do that.” Because if I care about something, if I’m passionate about it, maybe that’s a side project for me being something bigger, right? So it only comes down to you and your willpower and what you actually do care about, because if you care about peacing out at 4:30, so you can get home and watching Netflix all night. That’s, you know, that’s a you thing. Right? Don’t blame it on someone else.
Joy 44:44
Right. So I think the worst and the most ironic thing that I’ve seen and there’s been quite a few articles about this, too, is that there’s a lot of companies who will start these employee resource groups and different things, but the very people who are struggling -you’re asking them to solve your problem. Like, are you serious right now, because I’m the person of color or because I’m the, you know, the gender neutral or, you know, whatever group that I find myself for military, that I’m supposed to form a group and inform you of what to do? Come on. And then they’re the real leaders, the real change agents, they’re not part of it. And if you’re going to bring about change, you’ve got to find your people leaders, and they aren’t always the ones with the title. You know, I worked at a college in Texas, and we had an office manager who had been there for 30 years, and she didn’t have a title, but I’m telling you, she was a superintendent. You know, and if she said, you know, hey, this isn’t gonna fly – you, if you went through her and got her buy in, she, if you want to have a meeting and get people together, they were in those seats, but if you didn’t get her buy in, and so again, I think we sometimes look at who’s got what title or who’s over this, but you got to find people who are passionate about it. And also, it’s not just the C suite that you’re trying to convince, but those influencers in your organization like that office manager, or those different people that if you don’t get them on board, your idea, or your initiative is going to tank. And that’s the same with diversity, equity, and inclusion. And they don’t look at you know, they look at it as this foreign or exotic problem they have to solve. But companies have been solving problems forever. They’ve been bringing in change and innovation forever, right? And how do you do that? How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. And so, I tell companies all the time, you know, this isn’t something that’s, you know, strange and new. I’m sure you’ve brought in a policy, even something as simple as now everybody has to wear their name tag. And I’m sure you had people who were against it said, “I’m never wearing a name tag”, right? Yeah. What if you as a company said, “Nope, we’re committed to this, this is why we’re going to do it, and we’re giving you to XYZ date, and then you’re going to start getting written up for it.” I bet you everybody has a name tag, and you might have lost a few people along the way. But over time, everybody had a name tag. And that’s the same thing that can happen with diversity, equity and inclusion, if you’re serious about it, you bring about that change, you message it like you have any other new initiative that you brought on board. Trust me if people want to work there, they’ll get on board, or they’ll get off.
Chris 47:37
Absolutely. So, as we’re getting close on time, Joy…
Joy 47:42
See, you are getting me started, I’m getting…
Chris 47:45
I already… I have questions for podcast number two with Joy. So, the brain is just rolling right here. So but, um, what changes occurred in 2020? And this is a softball – what changes occurred in 2020, that you believe are here to stay? And second part, what concerns you the most about the future of D, E and I?
Joy 48:10
Well, of course, like everyone is saying, technology is here to stay. I believe also that the idea of a pandemic, and future, you know, health concerns and social distancing. I hear a lot of individuals who are saying, even if this dies down, they’re going to continue to wear a mask. And if you – you’ll see in a lot of other countries, particularly I traveled to South Korea, back in 2000, and they were wearing masks on the subway then, and have continued to. And so, I think things like that, and being, you know, not feeling so invincible. I think it’s going to continue. And the need to think collectively because again, to stop this pandemic, we’ve got to stop thinking as individuals and being selfish. And I think for some of us, that’s how we’ve been cultured, it’s about…
Chris 49:13
me, it’s almost un-American, right? Because the American culture is individuality.
Joy 49:17
Yes! Remember our president who said, “Ask not what you can do, but you know, what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” And all of a sudden, you know, you ask somebody to wear a mask, and all of a sudden, you’re taking away their rights. I mean, how do those two go together? And so again, I think that this whole notion of community and collective responsibility, I think it’s, you know, it’s got to come back in order for us to really move forward because, you know, global warming and a lot of these different things that are affecting our health and our ability to move forward. We’ve got to think collectively about that. Not just what’s good for me. You know, like Texas right now, um, I used I lived there for nine years. I’m glad I’m not there right now. But at the same time, I care about those people in Texas, you know, I can’t sit here in all good conscience and say, “Well, my powers on I’m nice and warm, and I get to work from home”, I care about people whose pipes are bursting right now. You know, I care about people who are sleeping in their car, because the car has more heat than their house. And until we really get serious about that, and companies, you know, with these catchy phrases like caring, like family, do you really? You know, are we making sure that our employees, you know, I’ve had people call me and say, “Well, you know, there’s a big storm or there’s something going on”, and all they want to know is, can you log in? Instead of the question of, are you and your family okay, can we help you in any way? Can we bring groceries or whatever it is that we’re doing? So yeah, I think those are things that we that will say that we have to think about. And my concern for DE&I, again, I’ve been at this for 20 years when it wasn’t popular. And I see slowly that, you know, the conversations are still there, but they’re not as intense as they were when George Floyd was murdered, when Ahmaud Arbery was, you know, gunned down in his neighborhood, when the protests were going on, when it was starting to affect the downtown, and the people weren’t so comfortable driving, and, you know, going to the bar that night, but you know, I’m concerned that it’s not going through a 15 minute of fame situation, and that over time, it will just die down. So, I’m hoping that this is a conversation that we’ll continue to have, and companies will continue to recognize the value and not just the tree hugging, you know, Kumbaya aspect of it. But the, you know that there is a value, there is a business, you know, case for improving diversity, and inclusion in the workplace.
Chris 52:15
Joy, as always, I really appreciate our conversations. I love learning from you. It’s always you know, I’m always looking to educate myself. And so, today’s been a great conversation. And I do think that there’s definitely a podcast two and three, probably in our future at some point in the future. So, thank you for being on. How can our listeners if they’re looking to learn more about what you do? Or about DE&I? How can they reach you?
Joy 52:42
So, I actually, as you see, in the back of me: J Training Solutions is my consulting firm. And actually, I’ve been kind of doing it part time kind of on the side, but I am launching full time in April. So, you can reach me at: And that is my new email address that will go live. And also, I’m available on LinkedIn. That’s the best way to reach me right now. Because my website and everything is still in production. So contact me, send me a message via LinkedIn: Joy Johnson-Carruthers under JTraining Solutions. Thank you for having me here!
Chris 53:28
The Carruthers is what, with 2 r’s?
Joy 53:30
Yeah, “CA” – you know here in Nashville, Carruthers seems to be a CO because there’s a street in Franklin, but our – my husband’s last name Carruthers is C-A-R-R-U-T-H-E-R-S. So, it’s Joy Johnson Carruthers. And like I said, LinkedIn for now is probably the easiest way. And I do get back with people because I love connecting.
Chris 53:52
And love talking to people. Yeah, exactly. If you have trouble finding Joy, I’d be glad to make the introduction. I get to – I get to speak with her every month on our monthly board meeting. So, I’m forced to have these conversations with her then, but I actually enjoyed the involuntary ones as well. So that’s a wrap on another podcast and another episode of the Talent Tide Podcast. Please be sure to like and subscribe and rate wherever you listen or watch the podcast from Apple to Spotify to YouTube. We’re going to be coming up with some cool gifts for those of you that do rate and like the podcast. Hopefully we’ll have some coffee cups coming soon for you. And remember, go win the day and the success is on the other side of fear. Thank you and see you soon.
Joy 54:34
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