July 6, 2021


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In this episode, Chris will be discussing the benefits of investing your employees with Stan Phelps. Topics include employee rewards, addressing weaknesses, and utilizing strengths.  Stan Phelps is an author, keynote speaker, and workshop facilitator. He cut his teeth with companies like adidas & the PGA Tour and is now a featured Forbes Columnist.  He works with organizations that want to increase loyalty, sales, and word-of-mouth through brand, customer, and employee experience. His in-person and virtual programs stand out in a sea of sameness because he models his own message of differentiated experience (DX). 


Chris 0:14
Stan Phelps is an author, keynote speaker and workshop facilitator. He cut his teeth with companies like Adidas, the PGA Tour and as a now a featured Forbes columnist, he worked with organizations that want to increase loyalty, sales and word of mouth through brand customer and employee experience. He’s in person and virtual program standout in a sea of sameness, because he models his own message of differentiated experience. Stan, I am so excited to have you on the podcast today ahead of the 2.0 version release of pink goldfish. How are you?

Stan Phelps 0:47
Yeah, I’m doing great, Chris. Thank you for having me. And I’m excited to jump right in.

Chris 0:52
Awesome. Well, you got a great setup there. It’s gonna look great. I love the pink. I love the differentiated experience that you’re already going with your force today. So check that out good. Looks good. I might have to ask you at the end. What’s your what book you’re reading? So be thinking about that.

Stan Phelps 1:10
Okay, gotcha.

Chris 1:12
So we’ll jump right into it. But I found a quote on your LinkedIn summary. Yes, people do read those, that completely sums up why I wanted to have you on the podcast today, Stan. And it was, for me, I felt an instant connection to that. But I actually heard it on a on a different podcast first, right? Like I listened to you. And I thought, wow, I love what this guy selling right like this is, this is good stuff. And the quote was, differentiation isn’t just about what you say, it’s about what you do you and more importantly, how you do it, and why you do it. So how does one differentiate?

Stan Phelps 1:56
So you, you differentiate, and we were talking about this before, what you do, is becoming harder and harder to stand out on. We live now in a pretty much flat world. So I believe it’s not just your product or service, but it’s more importantly, what you stand for. So very being very clear with what your why is, but more importantly, how you deliver that experience to the customers that you serve. And I love that quote, I’ve even went further here in the last year, maybe a silver lining of the pandemic to really focus in on it. And a little over just about a year ago, I created a manifesto and it’s short, and I’ll read it to you. Your brand is no longer what you tell people it is. It’s the differentiated experience that your employees deliver. It’s what you stand for, and how your customers feel about you. And most importantly, your brand is what cut what your customers tell others about their experience. And it ends with this all all else is derivative of that. And only that. And so Chris, I firmly believe that it’s our duty to try to find ways that we can stand out, in what I would call a sea of sameness. And that’s that’s how we’re going to compete going forward.

Chris 3:43
Well and one of the other things we talked about pre pre show was that differentiation often can be looked at, well, how is this product different, right like that a lot of people try to compete on product differentiation, when in reality, the product is is maybe only a small piece of it because at the end of the day, if you’re gonna if you’re in a competitive market, the product that you have in the product that somebody else has probably does the same thing. Right? Or if it’s a service based industry, like what what my company does, what you’re what you’re selling is is a probably 80 to 90% a similar product or service, but the rest of it is defined by the people, right? Everything else around it

Stan Phelps 4:30
deliver that experience, right where is all the value created. And I’ll be honest, Chris, because my but you mentioned a little bit of my background on the brand side with Adidas and the PGA and then I spent time on the agency side with a group called IMG and then a smaller agency called synergy. And I thought the sun rose and set on just the customer side of the equation. Right? that your job of marketing, you know, in the beginning was 90% of it was trying to get people into the funnel, right generating awareness, get that interest, get them to actually make that buying decision. And what I realized that in the last 15 years that marketing is changed so greatly. And that really, your brand is what your customers tell others about their experience. And that idea of creating that great experience that makes you referral is the ultimate form of marketing. So instead of focusing all of our time and attention on trying to get people into this funnel, I think and this is my mission, is to get companies and organizations to spend at least 51% of their time and energy, taking care of the customers that they already have. Right? Because if you do that, and you create a great experience for the customers you have, they will help you bring the bring you the customers you want. And this is nothing new, we’ve you ask anyone, what’s the best form of what’s, Chris? What’s the best form of marketing that you could ever do?

Chris Nichols 4:32
word of mouth

Stan Phelps 6:22
Yeah. And here’s, here’s the thing, and I’m gonna end with this before we talk about other elements is that I think we have it, in essence, a math problem. Because most marketers and most leaders would say, Alright, acquisition is what we need to do. We don’t need to, let’s not just focus on retention, we have to make sure we’re acquiring acquiring, you know, cost per lead, get people into the funnel? Well, here’s the difference. From a math perspective, there is a huge difference between a traditionally acquired customer, and one that comes to us via referral. And it turns out, Chris, that over their lifetime, that referred customer is upwards of four times as valuable to the business. And the reasons why are simple if I’m referred, I typically stay longer, I spend more up to twice the amount of money over my lifetime. And what do I tend to do more of because I’ve been referred myself, yeah, then I refer other people, right, exactly up to twice the amount. So it’s a 4x. And I think sometimes that gets so lost that we’re, we’re always thinking about, you know, Doug Douglas per day, you mentioned the marketing book podcast, he says, you know, we’re, it’s like marketers that are attracted to sex. It’s all about the acquisition. And so that’s been a real realization for me. I came at it from mostly a marketing perspective, that you need to figure out how to compete based on the experience that you provide, and no longer about the promises you make.

Chris 8:18
And that is where it all kind of comes together for, for me from looking at the talent side of businesses, right? Because that’s what endevis does, we’re focused on helping organizations recruit better. And we used to have the word retention in our name, which was interesting for certain conversations. Because it’s like, wait, you’re gonna help us attract and retain employees, which is unique, because most service providers were just there to provide people, right, we get paid on on on an acquisition, right? And what was interesting was the conversation that would take place like like, no, we’re here, we don’t want you to have a hiring problem. And you probably have a hiring problem because you have a retention problem. Right? And so everything that you’re saying right now about customer acquisition, customer retention, is 1,000% transferrable over to the other side of your business when you think about employees. Right, which is what your book green goldfish is all about, right? The employee experience and I’m fortunate that my first company out of college that I went to work for was a company called the Aspire group. We had Bernie Mullen who was Chief Marketing Officer of the NBA for a time he’s worked in professional sports across the, across the country. And he believed in the Disney profit chain, that’s one of the first things I learned in my training training module was we put the customer first and everything else will fall on a line and my thought processes if we put our employees first, right, if we have happy employees, you have happy customers and everything else follows So yeah, Can Can you elaborate on maybe that a little bit?

Stan Phelps 10:03
Sure, sure. So as a way of background, I started writing about 12 years ago. And again, I thought, the sun rose and set on the customer. And so for the the first book in the series was the purple goldfish, and purple and a goldfish are just a metaphor. And we can get into that. But what I realized I studied over 1000 examples. For this book, I crowd sourced hundreds of examples of how companies did the little things to elevate the experience that they provided. And what I realized was the biggest revelation for me is that the ones that really got it for the customer, Chris even got it more so for their own employees. They put a greater emphasis on their own employees. And they did a lot of little things beyond the compensation to reinforce the culture of the organization. And at the end of the day to drive engagement. And yeah, that I didn’t learn my lesson I for green, I did another 1000. A, that’s the last time I made that mistake, but looked at over 1000 examples of how you could do the little things and tried to find the different ways that you could do that. But but you have it absolutely right. You cannot have happy enthused customers, right, that are willing to refer you unless you have happy engaged employees.

Chris 11:42
Right. Because the service is the same, right? My experience is that interaction that I have with the person on the other side, do they respond to me quickly and helpfully right, like, is it personal. One of the things that I’ve seen with a lot of software as a service companies is, it’s it’s not very personal. It was very personal upfront, when they’re trying to acquire , you know, phone call, email, phone calls, video calls, it’s, it’s a bombardment. And what happens is, then you become a customer, and they say, Oh, hey, go watch the videos that we have. And you’re like, no, I need help. Like, I need somebody to help me on the other end, we were dealing with this most recently with with a vendor of ours, you know, who’s having a passport issue. And we found out that it was it was some setting that had been turned off, but they just kept saying turned to me having reset cookies, and it just was not personal, right? They they weren’t. They weren’t talking to us. They were talking at us. And they were saying, Have you looked at that. And so that experience piece is so valuable, because you want to be able to say, hey, what I got from that, if they if they treated me that way, I believe that they’ll treat you with just as much care and respect for your time. Right? So that’s where the employee piece comes in. And I often talk myself, whenever I’m speaking on the on the talent acquisition side, you know, a lot of companies spend a ton of money on recruitment marketing, job boards, like indeed, in trying to acquire that talent, when in turn, if they would just invest more of that money in the people that they already have you think about that resource for attracting and acquiring talent. Right?

Stan Phelps 13:23
Yeah, I mean, one of the one of the stunning, stunning things that I think how you treat somebody, especially in their first few months, within an organization, you probably have seen similar research, that people pretty much make a decision very early on whether or not they’re going to be with the company for the long term. So to me, where in the green goldfish where it starts is recruiting and onboarding. And, you know, I talked with somebody who pioneered executive onboarding. And this is what stun bang for C suite executives. without a proper onboarding experience, you lose about 40% of those hires within the first 18 months. Wow, that’s think about the cost. Yeah, it’s like a 2.5 multiple of their salary, right. And you’re not even accounting for all of the disruption that you have at that key. But what they what they’re able to show from a value perspective, if you actually put together a proper executive 100 day onboarding, right, and it starts before they show up on their first day that they could reduce that to about 10%. And to me, that was such a telling case for why wouldn’t you invest more on the front end, as opposed to you know, you know what it feels like you’ve probably worked at enough places. You should show up. And it’s like, oh, we’ve got to find you a desk or get you set up. Like there’s not a lot of thought given to that process of getting you involved. So

Chris 15:11
Absolutely, I have feelings, Stan, treat me like I do.

Stan Phelps 15:17
It’s to your point earlier, I think, you know, we’ve went through an evolution. And I write about this in one of my books, the red goldfish, and also in the yellow goldfish, that the 1.0 of business who came first in the this is going back to like, you know, 60-70 years ago, who was who is at the center of the business, do you think 60-70 years ago?

Chris 15:43
I don’t know, you tell me.

Stan Phelps 15:45
It was the only purpose of business was to generate return for the shareholder here and who came first, it was the shareholder, right. And that’s where all the decisions were made. And I think around the 1970s, that switched a little bit with with Walmart coming onto the scene, you had more progressive thought. And the 2.0 was simply this, we need to put the customer at the center of what we do. And you mentioned this before. And if we do that, then profit will result as and the 3.0. And you mentioned it beautifully. This started happening around the 1990s, there was an acknowledgment that it all starts internally. And we need to build a culture of engagement. So we need to put our employees at the center of everything we do that extends out to the customers and ultimately extends to the bottom line. I think the 4.0, Chris, this is in the 2010s. And I’ll credit Simon Sinek for really driving this is that really maybe what we should put right at the center of what we do is the purpose and the why we exist. Because that’s going to resonate with your employees that will flow out to your customers and ultimately drive value with the with all of the stakeholders for that organization.

Chris 17:26
Absolutely. And I can’t imagine if you asked that question to a lot of individuals at at like high growth companies like why do we exist? I wonder how many of them say to get sold, or to be bought? Right right to be acquired it because if that is your sole purpose, you probably don’t have a business model that has a long term, long term staying power, you’re probably more of a flash in the pan type situation. And you mentioned another book for me that kind of transformed my way of thinking, if I will be able to see that, but it says people over profit. I don’t know if you can see that by Dale Partridge. And it’s a book that I’ve referenced quite often, as well. But he, he kind of goes through all those experiences. And he provides case studies in the book, he talks about the Ford Pinto disaster, and how Ford was able to reinvent themselves post recession. 2008. He talks about Tyson Foods he talks about brands that people know and brands people don’t know, right, so similar to your case, study type situations, but there’s so much out there and you really you can’t afford to not put your people first. Just just can’t anymore. Let’s switch gears a little bit. Stan, I want to to talk about an uncomfortable subject for most. And it’s something that always comes up in interviews. And you know, I bet it’s probably one of the most googled search terms with relation to how do I prepare for an interview? It’s its weakness in weaknesses, and how do I how do I talk about my weaknesses? What are my weaknesses? So can you talk about what we do with our weaknesses, Stan?

Stan Phelps 19:07
Yeah, so this is right at the heart of pink goldfish. And you mentioned we’re working on right now the 2.0, which is coming out. And the subtitle is defy normal exploit imperfection. And here’s the thing, what we found is for great companies, that your flaws are actually the things that make you awesome. or as we call it, the book flotsam. So we need to understand this is a central point from my co author, David Rendell. He wrote a great book called Freak Factor, which really talks about this idea that every weakness has a corresponding strength and the idea that what makes us weird, right, and sometimes we hide from are the things that actually make us wonderful. And so I’m so glad you touched on weakness, because here’s the thing, … Because it’s so difficult to change who we are. Right? What we advocate for in pink goldfish from an organizational or a personal perspective, is how do you understand the values that your perceived weakness has? Because again, there’s always a corresponding strength? And how do you learn to either double or triple down on those things? Or how do you align with others in the organization to complement your strengths and you know, where you might be weaker, potentially perceived wise in some areas. So I think that that is the the biggest sin that we tell people is that you have to always be working on your weaknesses, and trying to push them down or correct them. Because it’s a recipe that for disaster in my opinion,

Chris 21:24
well, it, it kind of creates that conversation around, pushing everybody to the middle, right? And not allowing people to exploit their strengths, right? Because if I’m working on my weaknesses, then I’m going to, I’m going to forget about what my strengths are, or I’m going to I’m going to stray away from them. So what would you recommend for for people who are looking for ways to think how do I become more self aware? Because that’s number one, when it comes to weaknesses? Right? Do you have any recommendations about self awareness?

Stan Phelps 21:55
Yeah, so that we talk about a process that we call the the 6 A process and the first step of the first day, and that is what we call awareness. So it’s looking in the in the mirror, and in the book, we actually have an assessment, where you look at 40 different strengths. So it’s important to understand what your perceived strengths are, but then also to look at your weaknesses. And then what’s interesting is, this is going to be a spoiler alert, we actually overlay all 40 of those. And the funny thing is, people a lot of times we’ll have out of the 40 will have pairs where they picked both the weakness and the strength. Right? So it’s looking in the mirror, and, and trying to do that assessment. But I would tell you this, it’s also asking other people how they view you. So from an organizational perspective, we say absolutely ask your customers, but also ask your employees. Right, what makes you different, because they’ve worked in other places. I would also say this, ask your partners and suppliers, because not only do they often work with you, they’re working with your competition. And they have unique insight to what makes you different. So it starts with, with what we call the awareness process, but you have to then take the second step. And we call that acceptance. Right? Don’t try to change who you are, like wrap your arms around it, and accept it. And we dare say like, appreciate it. And then I think those are the first two steps in terms of we say, thinking differently about who we are. And then the remaining A’s are about how do you act differently? How do you actually put that into into action? It’s really not about what we say it’s about, again, about what we do.

Chris 24:17
100% and it’s, you know, those are, those are hard topics to have with ourselves right? And and if you’re an if you’re an owner of an organization, or you’re looking at from a personal perspective, but but like to say, Hey, we’re not very good at this, and be able to admit to ourselves that you know what, that’s right. Like you’re admitting fault is one of the hardest things that people do. And in my opinion, self awareness and admittance is probably the two things one of the two strongest things that you can do for your organization and personally, to develop yourself like to continue to grow. You can’t grow without self awareness.

Stan Phelps 25:02
Right. Right. And you have to acknowledge that you don’t have to be for all people. Right? You need to be great at what your most valuable customers appreciate. Right? You also don’t have to do everything. You know, it takes sacrifice as well, to do more of some things, requires you to do less of others, right? We don’t have unlimited time, energy and resources. So we need to focus on being great at what our customers value the most and what our employees value the most. And here’s the thing, this takes courage, be unapologetically awful, at the things that don’t matter.

Chris 25:59
That’s an. That’s an interesting one. So how do you determine what what matters and what doesn’t Stan?

Stan Phelps 26:07
So I think it’s part of it is we have a whole exercise that we talk about as part of the process is really dialing in on what your customers and your employees value. So we do this thing called attribute mapping. So what’s the most what are the most important things, and we know this at the end of the day, if we listed six or seven things, those six or seven things are not equal. There’s always one or two things that rise to the top, right? And likewise, there’s a couple things that we may have thought were important that we did, just because they were, quote, unquote, normal that no one even cares about. So going through that process, and making sure you validate it with your employees and customers, not just what you think. Right? But then you start to find ways that you can either do what we call amplification. And amplification in some areas means turning the dial all the way up, right, and doubling and tripling down on those one or two things that you want to be known for. But here’s the thing, it also requires you to turn it all the way down sometimes to zero. And that’s where it becomes difficult because, you know, we don’t want to hurt people’s feelings. We want to be great in everything that we do. But we have to admit to your point of admitting if we try to be great at everything, we’re going to be mediocre at best at some things.

Chris 27:53
Absolutely. I couldn’t agree more, Stan. So it’s funny. In my script I’m reading in. One of the questions that I had, as far as the topic says, is in recruitment marketing, I believe the most powerful tool that is available for you is word of mouth. But you know what? We’ve already scrapped that question, because we’ve already determined that the most powerful tool that we have as a business is word of mouth, right? Absolutely. But, how do companies and we’ve kind of talked about it a little bit, but how do companies do a better job of harnessing that power, and like creating something out of it?

Stan Phelps 28:32
Well, here’s the things all this is a stunning stat as well. So typically, about six to 7% of applicants are referrals, by employees within an organization. So 93%, through a job site, whatever, six to 7% via referral, the research I’ve seen is that those referrals account for about 40 to 42% of all the hires. So and, and you have a built in when somebody has vouched for somebody internally, they’re they’re putting a little bit of their reputation on the line, but it’s an assessment that they know that person, and that person has a frame of reference for when they enter the organization. And so I think it’s absolutely vital that you’re tapping in to your current employees, and making sure that they’re involved in the recruitment. You know, I think it’s best to do it in a way where it doesn’t feel gained. Right, it shouldn’t just be about the incentive or the bonus that you get, because then people will start to game it. But it should be, we value your input and we’re welcoming your recommendations and referrals for for candidates.

Chris 30:05
That’s an interesting one when you talk about the gaming of it, because I think that immediately, if you have to gamify it, you have a culture problem. And here’s why. If you have to gamify it Stan, then then you’re admitting that your employees don’t feel all that great about the company that you work at. Because I know if there’s something in my life that I am a huge fan of, for example, I’m a huge Eric Church fan. He’s a country music singer. And I will tell anybody that if you haven’t, if you don’t like country music, go listen to Eric Church, because it’s different. It’s unique. That’s my guy, I believe in it, I have other things that I’m the same way about. And so if I feel a certain way about my organization, then I will tell other people about it, like, you need to come work for me, like come work for us working work here, because I enjoy it. And I believe in it. Not, like once you have to start paying people or putting in a reward system just for that so that they will refer people you’re right. It becomes less authentic. And I’m a huge believer that authenticity is a huge area of emphasis that companies need to have. In fact, it should be it shouldn’t even be an area of emphasis, it should just be who you are. Right? Right. Unfortunately, marketing sometimes doesn’t do a great job of being authentic, whether it’s because they’re being told or because they’re trying to maybe sell something that doesn’t exist for the hope that it will eventually. Right. So it’s just that I think your point about the 6 to 7%. And I bet that the number of people I bet that 40% number is is is honestly lower? I I would say, you know, I’d love for that to be the case. Because if we did, I don’t know that my business would have a reason for existing. But, you know, I just, I’m a huge believer in that. And I think it probably is not probably that different when we think about company referrals, right? If somebody comes to me, I would say at endevis, probably five to 10% of our business comes from referral or the conversations that we have come from those referrals, but it’s the majority of our business. Right? Right. The majority of our best business is because somebody else said you should talk to them.

Stan Phelps 32:24
We I call it the vouch for principle, when somebody stands up and vouches for you the V for principle. Or vouch for principle, it’s so powerful. I’ll never forget, I heard a former executive of Marriott and he was talking about one of the little benefits that they do at Marriot is that if you’re a worker as part of like your eight hour shift, they would give you a meal, like so if you worked in a hotel, you would get a free employee meal. And this former C suite executive, he says, you know, that was really strategic on the part of Marriott, because they wanted those employees when they were sitting at home with friends or family to be able to talk about that little thing that they got. And all of a sudden the other people are like I work for, you know, Hilton, and Hilton, you know, doesn’t do that for me. And he talked about what he called WOMP word of marketing potential. And that was the reason why they did that. So I think it’s about the experience that you provide for your employees. Again, it should be beyond the dollar. So I’m not a big to your point, incentivize those referrals. But if you create a great experience for your employees, if you treat your employees like they matter, they will.

Chris 33:58
Couldn’t agree more. I’m uh, I I’m usually staunchly in disagreement with sign on bonuses for hard to fill positions because it’s, it’s it’s an attraction strategy that puts somebody in place for the wrong reason, right? Because they’re saying I want that money not I want to come work for you. And you’re potentially attracting the wrong people, right? You are attracting the wrong people the majority of the time because they’re coming to work for you for for currency and not because they want to necessarily so you know, that just one small example of what I typically tell companies is Look, why are you doing sign on bonuses? What is actually the problem? Because that’s a reaction to a problem. What can we do to be proactive? To avoid having to shell out 5, 10, 20,000 dollar bonuses,

Stan Phelps 34:52

Chris 34:53
how can we keep people you know, there and and and create something different? To them, so we’re getting close to the end. So I do want to while we’ve talked a lot of pink goldfish, one of your more recent 2.0’s is green goldfish, we’ve kind of already talked about it a little bit. But I was perusing the website, your website was looking at your blogs, and you had a recent one about workplace flexibility. And it’s a topic that is top of mind for me, as somebody that’s been able to work be a work from home person, pre COVID. I’ve been in this situation since 2018. And I find that working at home is a different experience versus working in an office. A lot of positives in my mind, there are a few negatives. But I’m really good at technology, I’m really good at scheduling and making sure that I get my people time, right, which I think is one of the negatives that you could have if you weren’t cognizant of that. But what I’m starting to see, we’re recording this here in March 2021. And I’m starting to see many air quote old school leaders and managers. The pandemic has forced them to change and manage differently to do remote work. But it was a forced change. It wasn’t because they wanted to. But I’m already hearing calls from these so called leaders and managers that employees need to start returning to the office, they need to be here, we need to hire people here versus hiring somebody remote, so that they can, I guess be I don’t know, managed better? I don’t know what the difference is right? Like, why do they need to be right here in front of me? How do we approach this mindset of workplace flexibility and change management of kind of the you know, these old school leaders? And what would you say to them to bring maybe more acceptance into look, be more open to this? And you know why?

Stan Phelps 36:59
Right? Well, first off the, you know, Jenner and I did an entire book called The Grey Goldfish on kind of generational insights. And what you find is that everyone has the same opinion when it comes to flexibility. Like everyone appreciates flexibility. And here’s the thing, that Gen Z’s and the millennials are really the first generations that have almost made it a requirement, or a very key thing that they consider, as they think about where they want to go and work. And I think, you know, leaders, old school leaders, there is a mindset for them, especially in the older generations, that work is somewhere that you went, right. And that part of the, the way of proving your worth was the face time, the showing up early, the staying late to have that face time with your manager. And so that’s what they expect is they think about, you know, leading and work is again, no longer where work is what you do. And once we and I think the pandemic is forced everyone to have to come to grips with remote work. And I think going forward that it’s going to be about a little bit of a hybrid approach. I do think there is an amazing amount of benefit that comes from being in the same place with people. But there’s also again, people are happier, they’re more productive, when they’re given that flexibility to do the work on their own terms. And so I think I think we’re going to managers today are going to have to understand that and work through this. Hi, I think in the next couple of years, it’s going to be very much a hybrid type of environment.

Chris 39:12
As somebody that has went through it myself, my my thought would be if you need to have somebody in front of you to determine whether or not you’re a leader or a manager, you’re probably not a very, very good at either of those things as you think that you are right. Because if you are a good leader, you understand how to put your people first and make sure that you’re having those interactions with them, making sure that you have accountability, the things that should be built into the job. If you have to be overseeing them personally in person every day, then you probably have some work to do as far as how you change the business. So real quick, and in fact, I’m going to let’s wrap this up. We’re almost at time. All right, Stan. Well, it’s about time for us to wrap here today, I could probably continue on the rest of the afternoon with this conversation because all of these things are something that I’m very passionate about differentiation experience, brand transformation, because I believe that everything has the ability to evolve and improve, but why don’t you tell our listeners where they should pick up where they can pick up pink goldfish? 2.0 and you know what? I think maybe we mentioned in the in the early ongoing that there may be a special offer. So why don’t you Why don’t you share that with them, Stan?

Stan Phelps 40:34
Yeah, so all of my books in the goldfish series, this is the 17th one is pink goldfish. 2.0 can be found on Amazon. That’s the the exclusive place that I go for my books, ebooks, and even some of our audio books, so on. And here’s the offer. I’m happy to do this. If you enjoyed what you heard, reach out to me on LinkedIn connect mention the Talent Tide Podcast, and I will send you it may not be purple, but I will send you one of these really cool mini books as a little bit of land yap a little something extra that so that’s my offer, reach out and connect. And happy to send you a mini book anywhere in the world.

Chris 41:24
Oh, nice. And is that the best way for them to get in touch with you? Or what’s the website I guess Stan

Stan Phelps 41:29
So my website is StanPhelps.com perfect. StanPhelps.com

Chris 41:37
check it out. He’s got a lot of good blogs, as well as kind of an addition to what you see from the books and all the other media and collateral that that Stan does. And that’s a wrap on another episode of the Talent Tide Podcast. Please be sure to like subscribe and rate wherever you listen or watch the podcast from Apple to Spotify to YouTube. And remember, success is on the other side of fear. Thank you.

The Talent Tide Podcast is sponsored by endevis. Endevis is a full service recruiting firm offering a broad range of solutions from professional contracting to retained and contingency search to recruitment outsourcing. Endevis prides itself on its core values of being bold, accountable, help first, passionate, and results driven to ensure the talent we bring to our partners matches their core values and overall mission. For more information please visit endevis.com that is endevis.com.

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